Build HR Capabilities Ensure competencies and capacity are ready in time to meet strategic goals. HR leaders rarely assess the competency and capacity of their team from a holistic view, leaving them out of sync with organizational needs. Assessing HR ca презентация

Слайд 1Build HR Capabilities
Ensure competencies and capacity are ready in time

to meet strategic goals.
HR leaders rarely assess the competency and capacity of their team from a holistic view, leaving them out of sync with organizational needs.
Assessing HR capabilities is difficult without the right tools; many HR leaders are required to make important staffing decisions using educated guesses or hunches.
McLean & Company’s 2015 HR Trends and Priorities report shows that only 16% of non-HR respondents think that HR is “very effective.”
The report also shows that organizational headcount is rapidly outgrowing HR headcount, meaning HR teams will have a tough time changing perception.
McLean & Company’s 2015 HR Trends and Priorities data shows that organizational turnover is affected by HR’s effectiveness in a variety of core service areas – particularly Talent Acquisition. This reduction in turnover translates into a significant organizational benefit – especially if you consider that cost of turnover estimates range from 25-150% of an employee’s annual salary.
This means that HR capability has an effect on the bottom line, and the overall productivity of the organization.
HR leaders need to use diagnostic tools and have a thorough understanding of organizational priorities to be able to assess whether their team can deliver where value and support are most needed.
Being strategic isn’t the same as being effective; make the most of your HR capabilities by acting strategically in value-add areas and allowing other to be tactical or operational.
Factor in your culture, time, and cost, when making HR staffing decisions.

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