Porsche Exhaust What you must know! презентация

Here are very important points you must know before buying Porsche Exhaust; Function Main parts Past Present Future

Слайд 1By: ChampionMotorSport.com
Porsche Exhaust
What you must know!

Слайд 2Here are very important points you must know before buying Porsche


Main parts

Слайд 31. Function:
Exhaust system carries away the gases created when

the fuel and air are burned in the engine. These gases are harmful to humans and our life.

Слайд 42. Main parts:
Exhaust manifold
Catalytic converter
Oxygen sensor
Exhaust pipe

Слайд 63. In The Past:
Made from iron.
Created a lot of noise.
Harmful carbon

and hydrocarbons.

Слайд 74. Present:
Made from stainless steel or aluminum.
Less noisy.
water steam and carbon


Слайд 85. Future:
Hybrid cars.
Electric cars.

Слайд 9Porsche Exhaust Dealer
Pompano Beach, Florida 33064

Слайд 10For Any Question

Call (954) 946-2136

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