10 sights of Udmurtia презентация

Museum of a name of K.Gerd The museum is based in Izhevsk on November 20, 1920, as a museum of local edge.

Слайд 110 sights of Udmurtia
Shirobokov Nikita
Buldakov Kirill
Parshakov Sergey

Слайд 2Museum of a name
of K.Gerd
The museum is based in Izhevsk

on November 20, 1920, as a museum of local edge.

Слайд 3 The museum is based on February 2, 2004 in Izhevsk.

Kalashnikov's museum represents a weapon exhibition.

Museum of a name of M.T.Kalashnikov

Слайд 4Museum of a name of P.J.Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky's memorial estate is founded on

October 1, 1938 in Votkinsk.

Слайд 5Monument dumpling
The monument to a dumpling is based on April 27,

2008 in Izhevsk.

Слайд 6Monument “Friend Snip of the People”
Monument "The friendship of the people"

symbolizes friendship of the Udmurt and Russian people. It is open in 1972.

Слайд 7Gorodishe Idnakar
The ancient settlement Idnakar is an archaeological monument of fino-Ugrian

tribes of 9-13 centuries. It is located near of Glazov.

Слайд 8Monument to a Krokodail
The monument to "The Izhevsk crocodile" was

open on September 17, 2005 in Izhevsk.

Слайд 9Bashenin’s summer cottage
Giving merchant Bashenin is constructed in 1911 in Sarapul.

Слайд 10The first circus in Izhevsk was open in 1895. The new

modern building of circus constructed in September, 2003.

Circns in Izhevsk

Слайд 11The zoo is open in September, 2008. It occupies 16 hectares

of the area. The wolf became an emblem of a zoo.

Zoo in Izhevsk

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