Mountаineering Everest презентация

Слайд 1Mountаin Everest

Слайд 2Geology
Situated in the Himalayas , in the ridge Mahalangur Himal (

the part called Khumbu Himal - ) . South summit ( 8760 m) lies on the border of Nepal and Tibet Autonomous Region (China ) , North (main ) summit ( 8848 m) is located on the territory of China .
At the top of Chomolungma are strong winds blowing with a speed up to 55 m / s . The air temperature is lowered at night to -60 ° C.

Слайд 3Animals
Even high in the sky , where the thin air is

very difficult to breathe , we can not hide from the spiders, more commonly known as Himalayan jumping spider , hiding in cracks and corners of the slopes of Everest , so they are among the creatures living at the highest altitudes in the world .

Слайд 4 mountaineering
Everest, being the highest peak of the world, has long attracted

a lot of attention climbers regularly carried out numerous attempts to climbing on top of this. Climbing Mount Everest in order to reach the highest point of the mountain are characterized by exceptional difficulties and sometimes end with the death of Sturm

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