35 презентация


“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Слайд 1From Walt Disney

Great Quotes

Слайд 2“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Слайд 3“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage

to pursue them.”

Слайд 4“Cinderella believed in dreams, all right,
but she also believed in doing

about them. When Prince Charming
didn’t come along, she went over
to the palace and got him.”

Слайд 5
“Dreams, ideas, and plans not only
are an escape, they give

me purpose,
a reason to hang on.”

Слайд 6
“First, think. Second, believe. Third, dream. And finally, dream.”

Слайд 7
“In bad times and in good,
I have never lost my

of zest for life.”

Слайд 8“It’s kind of fun to do
the impossible.”

Слайд 9
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin


Слайд 10“The difference in winning and losing is most often… not quitting.”

Слайд 11
“The worst of us is not without innocence, although buried deeply

it might be.”

Слайд 12
“I do not make films primarily for children. I make them

for the child in all of us, whether he be six or sixty. Call the child innocence.”

Слайд 13
“Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying

won’t make it better.”

Слайд 14
“The more you like yourself, the
less you are like anyone else,

makes you unique.”

Слайд 15
“All you’ve got to do is own up to your ignorance

honestly, and you’ll find people who are eager to fill your head with information.”

Слайд 16“All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles

and obstacles have strengthened me.”

Слайд 17
“Everyone falls down. Getting back up is how you learn how

to walk.”

Слайд 18The more you are in a state
of gratitude, the more

you will attract things to be grateful for.

Слайд 19“I can never stand still. I must explore and experiment. I

am never satisfied with my work. I resent the limitations of my own imagination.”

Слайд 20
“I do not like to repeat successes,
I like to go

on to other things.”

Слайд 21
“When you’re
curious, you find
lots of interesting
things to do. And
one thing

it takes
to accomplish
something is

Слайд 22
“Whenever I go on a ride, I’m always thinking of what’s

wrong with the thing and how it can be improved.”

Слайд 23“When you believe
in a thing, believe
in it all the way,


Слайд 24
“You’ll be a poorer
person all your life
if you don’t know
some of

the great
stories and great

Слайд 25
“You reach a point where you don’t work for money.”

Слайд 26
“I don’t make pictures just to make money. I make money

to make more pictures.”

Слайд 27“Do a good job. You don’t have to worry about the

money; it will take care of itself. Just do your best work — then try to trump it.”

Слайд 28“Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that

when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.”

Слайд 29“I suppose my formula might be: dream,
diversify and never miss an


Слайд 30“You don’t build it for yourself. You know what the people

want and you build it for them.”

Слайд 31“I’m doing this because
I want to do it better.”

Слайд 32
“Do what you do so well that they will want to

see it again and bring their friends.”

Слайд 33“Disneyland is like a piece of clay:
If there is something I

don’t like,
I’m not stuck with it. I can
reshape and revamp.”

Слайд 34“I don’t know if it’s art,
but I know I like


Слайд 35
“I have been up against tough competition all my life. I

wouldn’t know how to get along without it.”

Слайд 36“Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and

work at it until it’s done right.”

Thank You Very Much
Sompong Yusoontorn

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