Planning A Debt-Free Vacation презентация

People love to spend on summer vacation Summer is a time when most Americans want to travel but many cannot do that as they are in a crunch. An American

Слайд 1Planning A Debt-Free Vacation

Слайд 2People love to spend on summer vacation
Summer is a time when

most Americans want to travel but many cannot do that as they are in a crunch.

An American Express survey from 2010 found that
families were planning on spending $4,000 on average
for their summer vacation plans, but not everyone has
that kind of cash lying around.

Some families rely on credit cards to pay for their summer
fun and then are faced with a massive bill in the end due
to the hidden fees.

There are ways to ensure a debt-free summer vacation.

Слайд 31. Put a little aside from each paycheck
You need to save

for vacation. Save in installments.

If you set aside $50 from each paycheck and
get paid twice a month, that is $1,200 saved annually just for travel expenses.

Many travel agents offer travel accounts to
help travelers preemptively put some cash

Слайд 42. Go all-inclusive
Avoiding debt while actually on vacation can be even

harder than avoiding it before you go. You need to plan budget for surprise attractions.

Several of the experts recommend budget travelers consider a vacation that
can be prepaid like an all-inclusive resort or a cruise.

All-inclusive resort packages are the best way to have a debt-free vacation.

Parents might find this especially helpful, since finding family
friendly and inexpensive dining options may be quite difficult and
you may find yourselves breaking your dining budget relatively
early on in a trip.

Слайд 53. Use social media to find best deal
Meredith Holt, public relations

manager at Walker Marketing has worked for several tourism boards.

Holt suggests following the Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest
accounts of some of your favorite locations’ tourism
organizations for discounts and bargains.

By following the social media accounts of cruise lines, airlines
and rental car companies, you can save time and have a
fair idea of latest prices.

Be regular in checking these accounts daily to find the best offers.

Слайд 64. Do not ignore travel insurance
Debt is not something that people

plan for, which is why buying a travelers insurance policy may be a smart choice for you.

Some travel insurance cover job loss.

If you book a client books a dream trip over a year in advance, travel insurance providers may think of a death in the family or medical emergency but they do not know what emergency can arise. Insurance keeps the vacation protected.

Not all travel insurance will cover job loss. Hence, you should make sure you read through any policy before putting down money.

Слайд 75. If you do not have enough money, then wait
Just because

you found a great vacation deal, that does not mean you should go if you are just going to be putting it on credit cards and depleting your savings account.

There are many ways to save on your travels, but if you do not have the money to travel in the first place, just put your vacation plans on hold.

If you don’t have the money to take the trip you want, wait and save a little longer.

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