The teacher of the year contest Master Class Roman Kovshik презентация

Would he like something to be changed? Yes, he would. He would like to have a son. Why? Because if he had a son, he would play a boy

Слайд 1
The teacher of the year contest Master Class Roman Kovshik

Слайд 2

Would he like something to be changed?
Yes, he would.
He would like

to have a son.
Because if he had a son, he would play a boy toys with him.
But, does he have a sun in real?
No, he doesn’t
Does he play boy toys with anyone?
No, he doesn’t.

Слайд 3
And what about this cat?

If this cat were the only cat

in the house, it would eat all the food.

Слайд 4
And these guys?

They would be basketball players if they were taller

and faster.

Слайд 5

What do all these sentences have in common?

If he had a

son, he would play a boy toys with him.
If this cat was the only cat in the house, it would eat all the food.
They would be a basketball team if they were taller and faster.

They talk about imaginary/unreal situation in the present.

They are second conditional sentences.

Слайд 6

How do we make the 2nd conditional?

If he had a


If this cat was the only cat in the house,

if they were taller and faster.

Main clause

he would play a boy toys with him

it would eat all the food

They would be a basketball team

If clause

Past Simple

Would + V1

Слайд 7
I wouldn’t be afraid
if I were stronger.

Слайд 8
You can also use the 2nd conditional to criticize someone.
You would

be more healthier if you didn’t smoke so much.

Слайд 9

You can also use the 2nd conditional
to give advice
I would

order a pizza if I were you

Слайд 10

Now it’s time to practice

If the weather ____ fine, we would

go for a walk.
a) had been

If she had an umbrella, she _________ wet.
b) didn’t get


wouldn’t get

Слайд 11

Now it’s time to practice

If the animals could talk, I wonder

what ____ they ____?
a) /
b) would/said

If she_______ harder, she would earn more money/
b) works




Слайд 12
And what would you buy if you had a lot of


If I had a $1 000 000 , I would …

Слайд 13
And what would you buy if you had a lot of


If I had a $1 000 000 , I would …

Слайд 14
And what would you buy if you had a lot of


If I had a $1 000 000 , I would …

Слайд 15


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