My future profession is a social worker презентация

Слайд 1My future profession is a social worker

Слайд 2

Слайд 3My type of profession was related to the type of person

to person. I looked at the test results and decided that I needed to choose a profession directly related to dealing with people. And the profession of social work is one of those professions.

Слайд 4
Social work is a professional organization of aid and assistance to

people and groups who are in Difficult Life situation, their Psychosocial rehabilitation and integration.

Слайд 5
Currently, the profession of social work and its skill in high

demand. In fact, a generalist,is a person who know the basics of legal, medical, psychological sciences.

Слайд 6The people who work in the institutions of social work population

on their shoulders carried many of the burdens of the present day, smoothing out the difficulties for those who are defenseless, helpless, who lacking their own forces and means to cope with befallen him everyday, psychological, social problems.

Слайд 7Social work is the most important social institution of civil society.

Today, no developed country can't do without social workers trained in universities. Professional social workers help people in need to solve problems encountered in their daily lives, and especially to those who are not protected socially.

Слайд 8Thank you for your attention!

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