All professions are important, all professions are needed. My future profession is engineer mechanic презентация

о The engineer-it sounds proud! First of all, this was due to the complexity of training in the specialty and subsequent work related to the world of fractals and

Слайд 1All professions are important, all professions are needed My future profession is

engineer mechanic

Слайд 2 о
The engineer-it sounds proud! First of all, this was

due to the complexity of training in the specialty and subsequent work related to the world of fractals and drawings, practical closed to an ignorant person


Слайд 3 Engineering professions-the most massive professions are highly qualified labor. In our

country more than a third of specialists with higher education are engineers.

The engineer-it sounds proud!

Слайд 4 The engineer-it sounds proud!
A modern

engineer-specialist with a high culture and knowledgeable of modern technology, economics and production organization.

Слайд 5Place of work and career ... The engineer works in all

branches of the national economy in factories and factories, in mines and construction sites, in aviation, in military affairs, in transport, etc…

The engineer-it sounds proud!

Слайд 6 The work of an engineer has a

creative character. In any field, the real engineer must act independently and creatively creative. Often an engineer acts as the head of a certain team of people. This specialty of an engineer requires him to demonstrate organizational skills

The engineer-it sounds proud!

Слайд 7
Thank you for your attention

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