SkinheAds презентация

SKINHEADS — collectively, the representatives of the youth subculture, but also several of its branches.

Слайд 1Подготовили ученицы 11Б класса Григор Татьяна и Осадчук Валерия
By nikita sheyko 9


Слайд 2SKINHEADS — collectively, the representatives of the youth subculture, but also

several of its branches.

Слайд 3appearance
In 1969 young British workers from the suburbs of London and

Liverpool began to speak out against hippolita and fashion the ideology of "Peace and Love". Long hair they contrasted shaved heads, and pacifism - clashes with gangs of young rockers. Initially, the skins adhered to the anti-racist views: they were closely tied to their proletarian roots

Слайд 4How they look?
polo and sweater,
coarse boots.

checkered shirts,
jeans jackets , 
tucked jeans.

Слайд 5symbolism

Слайд 6 Different groups of skinheads

Traditional Skinheads  — emerged as a

reaction to the emergence of protolytic branches from the original subculture.
Follow the first image of the skinhead — subculture devotion, the memory of the roots (family, working class), apolitical.
Not the official slogan — «Remember the Spirit of 69».

Слайд 7White Power skinheads
or Socialist skinheads — appeared in England in the first

half of the 70s. Adhere to the ideologies of right-wing, nationalists or racists, some are promoting the idea of racial separatism and superiority of the white race .

Слайд 8R.A.S.H.
 Red & Anarchist SkinHeads - "Red" and anarchist skinheads, which

inherited from "native" working class ideas of socialism, communism, anarchism. Propositione movement.

Слайд 9ReferencesСкинхэд

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