Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies презентация

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

Слайд 2
Our University was founded in 1930. Then it was called the

Voronezh Institute of the food industry. At this time, opened the three departments: technological, mechanical and economic planning.

Слайд 3
Voronezh Institute of the food industry in 1932 was renamed

into the Voronezh Institute of chemical technology.

Слайд 4
During the great Patriotic war many teachers and students went

to the front. In 1942 the Institute was evacuated to the city of Biysk of the Altai territory.

Слайд 5
In 1965, VTI received a status of higher educational institutions of

the first category.

Слайд 6
In 1994, the Voronezh technological Institute received a new status and

was renamed as Voronezh state technological Academy.

Слайд 7
Today our high school is one of the largest scientific and

educational centres of Chernozem region.

Слайд 8
In recent years there have been major changes: the Academy has

acquired University status. Now this is Voronezh State University of engineering technology.

Слайд 9
I am study at the faculty of food machines and machines

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