State of the Internet презентация


What is happening on the Internet in 2014?

Слайд 2What is happening on the Internet in 2014?

Слайд 3

Hungary internet tax
cancelled after mass protests

Слайд 4

Charlie Hebdo aftermath:
Security above all else

Слайд 5

There should be no means of communication that ‘we cannot read’.


January 2015

UK: new laws to allow govt access to private, encrypted communications content

Слайд 6Obama calls for net neutrality:
No ‘Fast Lane’

Information should be

delivered quickly and without discriminating about the content.

Слайд 7European Union wants ‘right to be forgotten’ to go global

Слайд 13Everyone can code

Слайд 17Gathering, analysing and publishing legally available data on government user data

and content removal requests

State of transparency between the Hong Kong Govt and technology and telecommunications companies

Protecting the fundamental freedoms of netizens

Слайд 18Invisible hand towards internet service providers and OUR DATA
User data / content

removal requests without court order

Слайд 19More openness and transparency needed
The public has the right to know

how government actions affect their privacy and free flow of information

Слайд 22

The Internet has shaped our political landscape and social movements

Слайд 24
Internet freedom matters to everyone who cares about the health and

future of democracy.

Слайд 30One country, two systems

Слайд 32seven Speak-Not Subjects 七不講 online public opinion censorship
Universal values
Press freedom
Civil society


Past mistakes of the CCP

Crony capitalists

Judicial independence

Слайд 33New Internet regulations in China
Real-name system (approved in Dec 2012, fully

implement by Jun 2014)
Draft new Privacy Laws and Draft Internet Privacy Regulations (April 2013)

Content monitoring, self-censorship and mandatory reporting of ‘state secrets’ and ‘impermissible contents’ for ‘network and information security reasons’

Слайд 34Power of crowd and information

Whistle-blowing on social media

Слайд 35

The Great Firewall of China just got better.
? China blocks virtual

private network (VPN)

Слайд 36Jailing of Chinese ‘rumour monger’ casts shadow over Weibo

Слайд 38
In China, at least 100 people were arrested for supporting HK’s

Umbrella Revolution

Слайд 40


Слайд 41‘Smart objects’
coming to your home soon

Слайд 42

“The Internet will disappear…It will be part of your presence all

the time.”
Eric Schmidt

Слайд 44‘Right to be Forgotten’ or ‘Right to Delete’?
Video by InMedia HK

Слайд 45Google’s RTBF requests received in EU

Слайд 47Declaration of Internet Freedom
We stand for a free and open Internet.

support transparent and participatory processes for making Internet policy and the establishment of 5 basic principles…

Слайд 49
Tim Berners-Lee:
The world needs an online ‘Magna Carta’ to combat growing

government and corporate control

Слайд 50Thank You
Facebook: Charles Mok 2012
Twitter @charlesmok

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