Splitting the Check on Compliance and Security презентация

2015 for Developers

Слайд 1Splitting the Check on Compliance and Security
Jason Chan
Engineering Director –

Cloud Security

Слайд 22015 for Developers

Слайд 32015 for Auditors and Security Teams

Слайд 4The Problem

Слайд 5Developers:
Freedom to innovate
New technology

Incentives and Perspectives
Compliance with regulatory obligations
Verifiable processes
Well-known technology

and stability

Слайд 6The Resolution

Слайд 7“You build it, you run it.”
-Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO (June 2006)

Слайд 8Who Cares About These Answers?
When did that code change?
Who made

the change?
Who logged in to that host?
What did they do?
Who pushed that code?
When was this dependency introduced?
Was that build tested before deployment?
What were the test results?


Слайд 9Before
Developers and Auditors

Слайд 10How Do We Get There?

Слайд 11Two Approaches to Compliance

Слайд 12Pillars for Effective, Efficient, and Flexible Compliance

Слайд 13The Pillars
Traceability in development
Continuous security visibility

Слайд 14Discussion Format

Слайд 15Traceability in Development

Слайд 16Common Audit Requirements for Software Development
Review changes.
Track changes.
Test changes.
Deploy only approved

For all actions:
Who did it?

Слайд 17Spinnaker for Continuous Deployment
Customizable development pipelines (workflows)
Based on team requirements
Single interface

to entire deployment process
Answers who, what, when, and why
For developers and auditors

Слайд 18Spinnaker: Compliance-Relevant Features
Integrated access to development artifacts
Pull requests, test results, build

artifacts, etc.
Push authorization
Restricted deployment windows (time, region)
Deployment notifications

Слайд 19Spinnaker: App-Centric View & Multistage Pipeline

Слайд 20Automated Canary Analysis

Слайд 21Manual Approval (Optional)

Слайд 22Restricted Deployment Window (Optional)

Слайд 23Restricted Deployment Window (Optional)

Слайд 24Deployment Notification (Optional)

Слайд 25Spinnaker vs. Manual Deployments
Deployment is independent of languages and other underlying

Java, Python, Linux, Windows…
Multiple stages of automated testing.
Integration, security, functional, production canary.
Fully traceable pipeline.
Changes and change drivers are fully visible.
All artifacts and test results available.

Слайд 26Control Mapping

Слайд 27Continuous Security Visibility

Слайд 28Issues with Application Security Risk Management
Spreadsheets and surveys!
Human driven.
Presuppose managed intake.

vs. continuous.

Слайд 30Penguin Shortbread – Automated Risk Analysis for Microservice Architectures
Analyze microservice connectivity.

monitor app and cloud configuration.
Develop risk scoring based on observations.

Слайд 31Application Risk Metric

Слайд 32Application Risk Rollup

Слайд 33Control Mapping

Слайд 34Compartmentalization

Слайд 35Compartmentalization
Resilience: Limit blast radius
Confidentiality: Need to know

Слайд 36Monolithic Card Processing in the Data Center

Слайд 37Microservices and Tokenization in AWS

Слайд 38Control Mapping

Слайд 39Wrapping Up!
Limit investments in approaches that meet narrow regulatory needs.
Embrace core

security design and operational principles.
Focus on tools and techniques that serve multiple audiences.

Слайд 40@chanjbs - chan@netflix.com

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