Serious Games for Bioinformatics Education презентация


Why games? Attention!!!

Слайд 1Serious Games for Bioinformatics Education
Benjamin Good
The Scripps Research Institute

Слайд 2Why games?

Слайд 3is useful for:
getting their attention
holding their attention

Слайд 4Recruiting bioinformaticians
“We're hopefully going to change the way science is done,

and who it's done by”

Zoran Popović
University of Washington
Foldit, a game for protein folding

Слайд 5Foldit players come from many backgrounds
Top 50 players
largest group..

have no training in biochemistry

Cooper, Seth, et al. "Predicting protein structures with a multiplayer online game." Nature 466.7307 (2010): 756-760.

Слайд 6Teaching with games
“The use of educational games within learning environments raises

motivation, increases interest in the subject matter, intensifies information retention, encourages collaboration, and improves problem-solving skills.”

Schneider, Maria Victoria, and Rafael C. Jimenez. "Teaching the fundamentals of biological data integration using classroom games." PLoS computational biology 8.12 (2012)

Quoting: Michael D, Chen S (2006) Serious games: games that educate, train and inform. Boston: Thomson Course Technology.”

Слайд 7Games can be used to teach
Stegman, Melanie. "Immune Attack players perform

better on a test of cellular immunology and self confidence than their classmates who play a control video game." Faraday Discuss 169 (2014): 1-20.

Immune Attack

High school students
First person shooter game
Significantly improves understanding of concepts in immunology

Слайд 8Finding educational bioinformatics games…

Слайд 9Educational games

Слайд 10TBG – select a protein

Слайд 11TBG: fly around to hit the next amino acid on your


Слайд 124bases (Rostlab, masters thesis)
Click the next base in time as the

sequence scrolls by.

Introduces concept of DNA sequencing

Click next base

Слайд 13MAX5
Goal: introduce the concepts and purposes of DNA sequence comparisons (BLAST)

and distributed computing to high school students
First person game set in 3-d world beset by an influenza pandemic.

Perry, Daniel, et al. "Human centered game design for bioinformatics and cyberinfrastructure learning." Proceedings of the Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Gateway to Discovery. ACM, 2013.

Слайд 14MAX5 starting screen 1

Слайд 15MAX5 starting screen 2

Слайд 16MAX5 “blasting” to detect what a sample is infected with

Слайд 17MAX5 BLAST analysis

Слайд 18MAX5 alignment viewer

Слайд 19MAX5 sample hunting

Слайд 20MAX5 parallel computing

Слайд 21MAX5, TBG, 4Bases,…
Useful introductions.
Useful for recruiting.
Very high-level – shallow learning.

Слайд 22Bioinformatics education games
All examples of gamifying tasks in bioinformatics.
None built for

the purpose of education!

Слайд 23Genes in Space
Fly a spaceship
(oh by the way you are helping

cancer research)
300,000 downloads 3 months..
Cancer UK project.

Слайд 24The Cure game
Alternate turns picking a gene from a “board” of


Your hand

Opponents hand

Слайд 25Classroom uses
The Cure story (Antoine Taly)
Goal: understand the concept of

Watch short video
Play The Cure game (involves picking genes useful for predicting breast cancer survival)
Create custom predictive decision tree
Write essay about what you did

Слайд 26“Game”
World of Warcraft
Super Mario Brothers
The Game of Life
Angry Birds
The Sims

Слайд 27Game: defining traits
A goal
Feedback system
Voluntary participation

Слайд 28Games…?
Running – no

Answering questions about programming – no

Programming – no

A goal

Voluntary participation

Nike+ Fuelband – yes

Stackoverflow – yes – yes

Слайд 29Gamification
Google: “the application of typical elements of game playing to other

areas of activity…”

Слайд 30Gamified education.
Sort of games…

Слайд 31CACAO Rules
Students form teams
In each of a series of “innings”:
They are

presented with (or find themselves) lists of proteins
They look up articles about them and try to create GO annotations.
The team gets points for complete, correct annotations
At the end of the inning they can “challenge” the annotations of other teams and steal their points. (Like Scrabble!!)

Jim Hu, Texas A&M (TAMU)

Слайд 32CACAO participation
Since 2010,
1000+ students
15 universities
2,800+ new, acceptable annotations
No empirical

evidence that gamification helps, but anecdotally everyone likes it..

Example teams from 2013

Rosalind is a platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem


Python Village
(learn programming)

Bioinformatics Stronghold
(learn algorithms)

Bioinformatics Armory
(learn tools)

Textbook exercises

Слайд 34“Storm the bioinformatics stronghold now!”

Слайд 35Problems: 228 (total), users: 18194, attempts: 296869, correct: 172873

Слайд 36Rosalind user profile

Слайд 37Rosalind leaderboard

Слайд 38Use of games/gamification in bioinformatics education
Expressivity: Number and depth of learnable



Benefits: recruiting, engagement

Holy Grail

Слайд 39Future Directions
Slowly pushing towards the holy grail(s)
Example: ‘Cyclo6’ will attempt

to teach advanced organic chemistry – to be released on the app store this fall.
Removing boundaries that divide scientific games from each other and from other games
Genes in Space team – integration directly inside the context of “The Impossible Line” by Chilingo

Слайд 40
System for teachers to create lessons that move students through specified

levels of multiple games.

Jerome Waldispuhl,
McGill University, Phylo

Слайд 41Acknowledgements
Jerome Waldispuhl (Phylo)
Daniel Perry (MAX5)
Antoine Taly (pioneering the use of games

(Foldit, Phylo, The Cure) in his courses)
Julia Winter (Cyclo6)
Jim Hu (CACAO)
Melanie Stegman


Andrew Su

Слайд 43Heroic Purpose
Biology and medicine provide a heroic purpose – not unlike

the more standard purpose of saving the world from aliens.
There are great games to be made and great bioinformaticians to be discovered!


Слайд 44Finding educational bioinformatics games
Lists about 95 games related to science
57 are

tagged with “biology”
2 with “computer science”
None focus on bioinformatics learning objectives.

Melanie Stegman
Federation of American Scientists

Слайд 45Fun
Google define:fun “enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure”
“Fun” from game design guru

Raph Koster
“the act of mastering a problem mentally”
“the feedback the brain gives us when we are absorbing patterns for learning purposes”
“fun is about learning in a context where there is no pressure, and that is why games matter”

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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