Online Distance Education- Towards a Research Agenda презентация

Can you name one important research result that has effected your online learning practice?

Слайд 1Online Distance Education - Towards a Research Agenda
Terry Anderson (Athabasca University, Canada)

Zawacki-Richter (University of Oldenburg, Germany)

Слайд 2
Can you name one important research result that has effected your

online learning practice?

Слайд 3
Image from Alan Lavine
Why don’t they (we) look at the research


Слайд 4Mobilizing Knowledge
Image source

Слайд 5Mobilizing Knowledge
Image source

Слайд 6What are the most important unresolved questions in Online Distance Education?

Слайд 7Presentation Overview
Part I: A research based review of the DE Research

study of major journals
Delphi Study about research areas in DE
Part II: A response
Towards a Research Agenda

Слайд 8Hierarchy of terms
(based on Brown, 2004)

Слайд 9Towards a research agenda
Why is a research agenda important?
to embedd research

activities in a holistic structure
to agree on gaps and priority research areas
to support cooperations
to communicate a clear research profile

Слайд 10Quantify prior research
Review that research
Describe new research needs
Prioritize the research needs

and eval. new research

Redefine the research agenda

Structure of research areas


Towards a research agenda

Слайд 11Towards a research agenda
Quantify prior research
Review that research
Describe new research needs

the research needs

Perform and eval. new research

Redefine the research agenda

Structure of research areas

Слайд 12Part I: Research based view of DE research
Research into academic journals

to explore the scientific network of online distance education (ODE)
Development of a validated structure of research areas for ODE
Review of research between 2000 and 2011

➔ Basic research to prepare a research agenda

Слайд 13Journals as Scientific Knowledge Networks
Journals as important carriers of knowledge in

a discipline
Research builds upon and refers to previous research
Previous research is acknowledged by citations
Social Network Analysis (SNA): The nodes are journals and the ties in the network are citations.
The journal network reveals relationships and patterns of scientific information exchange, the "intellectual structure" of a discipline (Liu, 2007).

Слайд 14Distance Education Journals
What are the major journals in the field and

how do the journals relate to each other in a network of giving and receiving citations?
What are the most central and prestigious journals in the network?

Слайд 15Selected Journals for SNA

Слайд 16

Journal Citation Network
Mean citation rate across all journals: 22 ("tie density")

mean citation rate: 0.23 cites/paper

Слайд 17UCINET 6 (Borgatti, Everett & Freeman, 2002)

Слайд 18A map of DE journals
Young, F. W. (1985). Multidimensional scaling. In

Kotz-Johnson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences.  

Слайд 19A map of DE journals

Слайд 20MDS Map of Distance Education Journals

Слайд 21Research Areas in ODE
What are the most important research areas in

ODE and how can they be categorized?
What are the most neglected research areas?

Слайд 22Research Areas: Delphi Study
Expert panel: 25 individuals from 11 countries (average

of 27 years of professional experience in distance education)
1. round: Experts were asked to list 10 important research areas
2. round: Experts were asked to rate research areas on a scale of importance; What are the most neglected research areas?

Слайд 23Classification of Research Areas
Three broad research perspectives or levels with 15

research areas:

Macro level: Distance education systems and theories → global system level: 5 research areas
Meso level: Management, organisation and technology → institutional level: 7 research areas
Micro level: Teaching and learning in distance education → individual level: 3 research areas

Слайд 24Classification of Research Areas

Слайд 25Publication and Authorship Patterns
What are the topics with the highest and

lowest number of papers?
What are the most neglected research areas?
Who are the leading authors and where do they come from?

Слайд 26Literature Review
Review of articles that were published in 5 prominent DE

12 years: 2000 to 2011
N= 1.020 (988 English, 32 French)
Open Learning (UK)
Distance Education (Australia)
American Journal of Distance Education (USA)
Journal of Distance Education (Canada)
IRRODL (Canada)

Слайд 27N=1,020

Слайд 29Authorship Patterns: Leading Contributors
1,684 different authors contributed to the 1,020 articles

authors who published at least 4 articles:
Canada (14)
USA (9)
UK (8)
Australia (5)
China (3)
Israel (2)
Germany (1)
Japan (1)
New Zealand (1)

Слайд 32So, quo vadis?
Quantify prior research
Review that research
Describe new research needs
Prioritize the

research needs

Perform and eval. new research

Redefine the research agenda

Structure of research areas

Слайд 33Online Distance Education – Towards a research agenda
edited by Olaf

and Terry Anderson

Open Access or Purchase at

Слайд 34Internationalisation, social justice and open, distance and e-learning: what is to

be done?

Access, equity and ethics: the democratization of access to distance education afforded by new media … to those who have limited resources and poor infrastructure. Issues that refer to the (sustainable) provision of distance education

Is online education inherently a social justice agenda?
What is the impact of distance education (e.g. via mobile learning) on narrowing (or broadening) the digital divide and what is the role of ICT (information and communication technologies) and/or OER (open educational resources) in terms of access to education?

Jennifer O'Rourke

Alan Tait

Слайд 35Globalization and cross-cultural aspects
aspects that refer to the

global external environment and drivers, the development of the global distance education market, teaching and learning in mediated and multi-cultural environments and the implications for professional development and curriculum development.

Charlotte Nirmalani (Lani) Gunawardena,

Слайд 36Distance teaching systems and institutions:
Distance education delivery systems, the role

of institutional partnerships in developing transnational programmes and the impact of ICT on the convergence of conventional education and distance education institutions (hybrid or mixed-mode).

Sarah Guri-Rosenblit,

Слайд 37Theories and models
Theoretical frameworks for and foundations of distance education,

e.g. the theoretical basis of instructional models, knowledge construction, interaction between learners and the impact of social constructivism, connectivism and new learning theories on distance education practice.

Terry Evans


Слайд 38Research methods in distance education and knowledge transfer
Methodological considerations, the impact

of distance education research and writing on practice and the role of professional associations and higher education institutions in improving practice. Literature reviews and works on the history of distance education are also subsumed within this area.

Farhad Saba

Слайд 39Management and Organization
Strategies, administration and organizational infrastructures and frameworks for

the development, implementation and sustainable delivery of distance education programmes.
What is required for successful leadership in distance education?
Distance education and policies relating to continuing education, lifelong learning and the impact of online learning on institutional policies, as well as legal issues (copyright and intellectual property).

Ross Paul

Слайд 40Costs and benefits:
Aspects that refer to financial management, costing, pricing

and business models in distance education.
Efficiency: What is the return on investment or impact of distance education programmes?
What is the impact of ICT on the costing models and the scalability of distance education delivery?
How can cost effective but meaningful learner support be provided?

Greville Rumble

Слайд 41Educational technology
New trends in educational technology for distance education (e.g.

Web 2.0 applications or mobile learning) and the benefits and challenges of using OERs, media selection (e.g. synchronous vs. asynchronous media), technical infrastructure and equipment for online learning environments, and their affordances for teaching and learning.

Grainne Canole

Слайд 42Innovation and change
Issues that refer to educational innovation with new media

and measures to support and facilitate change in institutions (e.g. incentive systems for faculty, aspects referring to staff workloads, promotion and tenure).

Jon Dron

Слайд 43Professional development and faculty support
Professional development and faculty support services as

a prerequisite for innovation and change. What are the competencies of online teachers, counselors and support service staff and how can they be developed?

Margaret Hicks

Слайд 44Learner support services
The infrastructure for and organisation of learner support systems

(from information and counseling for prospective students to library services and technical support, to career services and alumni networks).

Jane Brindley

Слайд 45Quality assurance
Issues that refer to accreditation and quality standards in distance

education. The impact of quality assurance requirements and regulation and the impact of quality learner support on enrolments and drop-out/ retention, as well as reputation and acceptance of distance education as a valid form of educational provision

Colin Latchem

Слайд 46Instructional or learning design
Issues that refer to the stages of

the instructional design process for curriculum and course development. Special emphasis is placed on pedagogical approaches for tutoring online (scaffolding), the design of (culturally appropriate) study material, opportunities provided by new developments in educational technology for teaching and learning (e.g. Web 2.0 applications and mobile devices), as well as assessment practices in distance education.

Richard Schwier

Katy Campbell

Слайд 47Interaction and communication in learning communities (Qualitative)
Closely related to instructional design

considerations is course design that fosters (online) articulation, interaction, reflection and collaboration throughout the learning and teaching process. Special areas include the development of online communities, gender differences and cross-cultural aspects in online communication.

Dianne Conrad

Слайд 48Quantitative Analysis of Interaction Patterns in Online Distance Education
Interaction and communication,

as structures, are necessary, positive, and valuable to our well-being and health as learners, this chapter will elaborate on the nature of the related concepts of interaction and communication, the hallmarks of learning communities, outlining their historical evolution and their contribution to our current understanding and practice of online distance learning.

Allan Jeong,

Слайд 49Learner characteristics
The aims and goals of adult and younger students studying

at a distance, the socio-economic background of distance education students, their different approaches to learning, critical thinking dispositions, media literacies and special needs. How do students learn online (learner behavior patterns, learning styles) and what competencies are needed for distance learning (e.g. ‘digital literacy’)?

Christine von Prümmer

Mark Bullen

Joachim Stöter

Olaf Zawacki-Richter

Слайд 50Student Dropout
Ormond Simpson
Alan Woodley
The conversation exposes us to the brutal

facts (hidden as they often are by reluctant institutions), reasons for the regrettable complacency of all actors - including students themselves. The chapter ends with suggestions for interventions – some of which have been tried, but none of which has resulted in the completion rates commonly achieved with campus based teaching and learning

Слайд 51Online Distance Education – Towards a research agenda
edited by Olaf

and Terry Anderson

Open Access or Purchase at

Слайд 52Issues in DE Series - AUPress

Слайд 53Slides at slideshare

Terry Anderson
Your comments and questions most welcomed!
Olaf Zawacki-Richter

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