Образы науки. Часть 1 презентация


Периодическая таблица элементов в картинках

Слайд 1Периодическая таблица элементов в картинках
Часть 1

Слайд 2

Слайд 3Периодическая таблица элементов в картинках

Слайд 4The Art of Science, the Science

of Art

Слайд 5The Art of Science, the Science

of Art

Слайд 6http://www.flickr.com/photos/craftwerk/389880784/
Fabric Brain Art: This is Your Brain on Wool

Слайд 7Левое и правое полушария

Слайд 9http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/02/pictures/110217-best-science-pictures-2010-scivis-visualization-illustration-photography/
Атака бактерии бактериофагом «в формате 3-D»

Слайд 103-D модель вируса

Слайд 11http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/02/photogalleries/100218-best-science-pictures/
"Save Our Earth, Let’s Go Green"

Слайд 12 "Jellyfish Burger"
В чем идея?
Медуза – намек на угрозу глобального


Слайд 13"Microbe vs. Mineral"

Слайд 14"Back to the Future"
Микроскопические морские водоросли как образы солнечных батарей

Слайд 15Solar panels and the end of a robotic arm hover high

above the city lights of Europe in a newly released picture taken from the International Space Station.

Слайд 16Вулканические кратеры на Марсе

Слайд 17http://asianhistory.about.com/od/asianinventions/tp/Modern-Asian-Inventions.htm
1413 A.D. - Invention of the ironclad "turtleboat," Korea

Слайд 18http://www.arabianbusiness.com/photos/greatest-scientific-inventions-93160.html?img=0
Science Museum employee Katie Maggs holds

a 19th century X-RAY tube during a photocall at the Science Museum in London, England

Слайд 19One of the 10 nominations for the greatest inventions, the Apollo

10 capsule

Слайд 20the Electric Telegraph

Слайд 21the Model T Ford

Слайд 22the Stephenson's Rocket

Слайд 24Изображение Земли с расстояния в 6,1 млрд. км. Земля – «бледно-голубая


Слайд 25Nautilus Shell (the Fibonacci Spiral)

Слайд 26Eagle Nebula, Pillars of Creation - Hubble Telescope

Слайд 28The Mendelian Law

Слайд 29http://newdsart.blogspot.com/2012/01/genetics.html
Как обозначено наследование случайных черт?

Слайд 30Николай Коперник
Кто это?

Слайд 31Diagram of the Copernican system

Слайд 32Kepler's model to explain the relative distances of

the planets from the Sun in the Copernican System

Слайд 33Galileo's telescope up close

Слайд 34http://www.newscientist.com/gallery/dn16842-galileo-exhibit/3
This sundial has nine different faces. All the dials on

all the different faces show exactly the same time, no matter which face is used.

Polyhedral dial (16th century)

Слайд 35Brass astrolabe (9th century)

Слайд 36Orrery (18th century)

Слайд 37Planetary motion tapestry (15th century)

Слайд 38Navicula dial (15th century)

Слайд 39Galileo's legacy: The technology of the heavens
Lunar Observations by

Galileo (1609)

Слайд 40Graphometer (17th century)

Слайд 41Armillary sphere (1578)

Слайд 42Middle finger of Galileo's right hand

Слайд 43Что это?

Слайд 44Alexander Fleming's photo of the dish with bacteria and Penicillin

Слайд 45Fleming's penicillin mould, 1935.

Слайд 46A «map» of the body

Слайд 47http://brainmind.com/ParietalLobe.html
Motor Homunculus - Penfield and Rasmussen

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