My Personality. My Profession презентация

General information about yourself Let me introduce myself, my name is Ivan Zatuliveter. I was born on March 11 in the village of Pervokonstantinovka, Chaplinsky district, Herschel region. I am seventeen

Student of 141 group
Kherson State University
Ivan Zatuliveter

Слайд 2General information about yourself
Let me introduce myself, my name is Ivan

Zatuliveter. I was born on March 11 in the village of Pervokonstantinovka, Chaplinsky district, Herschel region. I am seventeen years old. I am a student. I study at the first year of the Kherson State University on specialization History of Psychology and Sociology.

Слайд 3My appearance
I am not very tall. I am not very thin.

My face is oval. I have a fair complexion. My forehead is broad and high.
I have a straight nose and a protruding chin. My eyebrows are bushy, my eyelashes are thin and long. I have small hazel eyes. My hair is chestnut, straight and long.

Слайд 4 My character
I am a good humoured, very responsible, hard working and

emotional person. I like creativity and appreciate this trait in others. I don't like to he and I feel when others do. I try not to be late and I hate when others don't come on time. I prefer to associate with clever and polite people. It is very annoying when somebody whom I trust turns out to be unreliable.
But I try to treat other people so as I want them to treat me. I see the man whom I am looking for also as a person with a и and sound body and mind. The person, who is interesting to talk to, whom I can trust and rely on.

Слайд 5My training

I am a student of Kherson State University, specialty History,

Psychology and Sociology. You ask: "Why did I choose this university?" So here's the answer, I chose it because firstly this university has produced a lot of highly qualified people who have reached non-apex peaks in life. Secondly, why did I choose this faculty and this specialty. Back in school, from the first lessons in history, I just fell in love with her.
I really liked the grandiose battles, kings, generals and so on. But unfortunately, there was very little schooling for the foreigner, and if you read it from the Internet, everyone tells you about it on your own and so I decided (in grade 7) to enter this university just to give me a glib knowledge.

Слайд 6 My hobbies
I go in for sports, I like to play volleyball

and football. I play volleyball and football every day. Sport is an important part of our lives. I've been playing volleyball and football for 5 years. Tennis has become very popular now. I take part in many competitions. To maintain a good shape, I run every morning and do morning exercises.
My second hobby is listening to music. When I put on my headphones, I dive into the other world. I listen to music of various genres. Music helps me to relax and think about important things. My favorite groups are: Sigur Ros, Placebo, Muse, Bring Me The Horizon and others.

Слайд 7My third hobby is playing computer games. Sometimes I want to

rest from doing my homework and play computer games. It is very interesting, especially when you play online games such as DOTA2, Battlefield 4 and others. You can talk to people and play with them. Maybe, if you get to know them better, you will continue playing together. But computer games can harm your health. That’s why you should not play them too long.
In conclusion, I would like to say that hobbies are very useful and interesting. People should have hobbies and enjoy life. I hope you will agree with me.

Слайд 8My future profession
The historian participates in the search for information for

research. To search for such material he is brought not only in archives, storages, museums, but also during archaeological excavations, ethnographic expeditions, foreign business trips. Investigating the sources, he determines their authors, the date of creation, analyzes the content. This observant specialist establishes links between already known data and the information he has obtained. And the essence of English is very easy, English is studied in many countries as an official language and for this reason to exchange and receive new information it is necessary to study and transmit English.

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