Museums in the Digital Age презентация

1. Museums are places. Photo: art around

Слайд 1Museums in the Digital Age
Photo: Victoria Pickering

Слайд 21. Museums are places.
Photo: art around

Слайд 32. Museums collect and display objects.
Photo: Orbital Joe

Слайд 43. Museums educate the public.
Photo: European Council President

Слайд 5
—John Cotton Dana The New Museum, no. 1 (1917)
The worth of a

museum is in its use.

Слайд 6How is the use (and usefulness) of museums impacted in the digital


Photo: Aaron Garza

Слайд 71. Museums are places.
Photo: Brett Davis

Слайд 8Visitors come to museum places.
Photo: Olli Thomson

Слайд 9Visitors come through the Web.
Photo: Design Museum

Слайд 10Visitors come to explore.
Photo: CPNAS

Слайд 11Visitors visit virtually.
Photo: Google Art Project

Слайд 12Visitors visit via robots.
Photo: Seattle Art Museum

Слайд 13Museums are places.

Слайд 14Museums are everywhere.
Museums are places.

Слайд 15Museums are everywhere.
Visitors are everywhere.

Слайд 162. Museums collect and display objects.
Photo: NCinDC

Слайд 17Museums collect ideas and intangibles.
Photo: takomabibelot

Слайд 18Museums collect ideas and intangibles.

Слайд 19Museums collect ideas and intangibles.

Слайд 20Museum visitors view objects.
Photo: Karen Neoh

Слайд 21Museum visitors make objects.
Photo: Hirshhorn ArtLab+

Слайд 22Museum makers hack objects.
Photo: Metropolitan Museum of Art

Слайд 23Objects are unique, physical things.
Photo: National Museum of American History

Слайд 24Objects are 3D data that can be printed by anyone.

Слайд 25Objects can be skeletons.
Photo: National Museum of Natural History

Слайд 26Digital objects can be much more than skeletons.
Photo: National Museum of

Natural History

Слайд 273. Museums educate the public.
Photo: National Museum of Natural History

Слайд 28The public also educates the public.

Слайд 29People educate museums.

Слайд 30People access museum data.

Слайд 31People visualize museum data.
Image: Florian Krautli

Слайд 32People use museum data.

Слайд 33People add their data to museums.

Слайд 34People collaborate and learn together with museums.

Слайд 35Jones-Garmil, K. (1997).” Laying the foundation: Three decades of computer technology

in the museum.” In K. Jones-Garmil (Ed.), The wired museum (pp. 35-62). Washington, D.C.: American Association of Museums.

Слайд 36How is the use (and usefulness) of museums impacted in the digital


Photo: Tom Atkian

1. as places/spaces? 2. as object repositories? 3. as educational institutions?

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