Michael Jackson презентация

The life and musical creativity of the King of pop- Michael Jackson.

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Michael Jackson

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The life and musical creativity of the King of pop- Michael


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He was born on August 29, 1958. His family had nine

children and Michael was the seventh child in it.

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Michael and his older brothers (Jackie, Tito, Marlon and Dzhermen) were

in the spotlight when their father, Joseph Jackson, created a group of sons. He called them «The Jackson 5"

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Despite the fact that Michael was the youngest, he was extraordinary.

He had a magical voice, he charmed the audience.

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At the same time, Michael began to make a successful solo


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In 1978, Michael started in the movie with Diana Ross in

"The Wizard". By itself, the film was normal, but was of great importance in the fate of Michael, because it introduced him to legendary producer Quincy Jones, who was involved in the movie musical accompaniment.

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In the production of the next album «Off The Wall» Michael

collaborates with Quincy. With the release of this album turns into a superstar. The album was released in 1979, the year in this album combines soul and rock, the rhythm of boogie-woogie., Sold 10 million copies and the album went triple platinum. It was hard to invent, that someone will be able to repeat this success.

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The year 1997 was important in Michael’s personal life because his

wife Debbie gave birth to his son. They named him Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr..

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In 1998 they had a daughter, Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson. Michael

said that fatherhood was his biggest dream.

Слайд 12In 2002 Michael Jackson was the father for the third time.

at this boy! He’s Jackson’s son named Prince Michael II.

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In November 2003, Jackson released the greatest hit «Number Ones».

the end of 2004 6 million copies of «Number Ones» had been sold in the whole world.

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Interesting facts from the life of King of Pop

Слайд 15Hobbies: Reading, painting, martial arts, dancing, taking care of animals, theater


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The best friend of Michael Jackson- Elizabeth Taylor

Слайд 17Favourite piece of clothing- black hat.

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Favourite Disney characters: Mickey Mouse and Peter Pan.

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Michael gave his first concert when he was 5 years old,

he sang «Climb Every Mountain»

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Tatum O'Neal was
the first girl-friend of Michael Jackson

Слайд 21Evolution of the appearance of Michael Jackson

Слайд 22 On June 25th, 2009, in the morning Michael lost consciousness

in the house which he rented in Holmboe Hills, in the west of Los Angeles.

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At 12:30 a.m. doctors found out that Jackson's heart stopped…

Слайд 24"The world has lost one of the best singers, but his

music will live forever. My heart is with his three children and other family members. May God bless you", - said Madonna.

Слайд 25"In the end, the most important - to be honest with

themselves and their loved ones and a lot of work. What is now, tomorrow will not. Be daring. Fight. Improve and cultivate their talents. Be the best at what you do. Learn about your type of activity more than anyone alive. Use the tools to feed themselves - whether it be books or the floor to dance or water to swim. Wherever it may be - it's yours. This is what I always try to remember. Michael Jackson

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