Interesting facts from the life of Mayakovsky презентация

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born on July 7, 1893 in Kutaisi province, village of Baghdadi Brief biography

Слайд 1Interesting facts from the life of Mayakovsky.

Слайд 2Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born on July 7, 1893 in Kutaisi

province, village of Baghdadi

Brief biography

Слайд 3In the period from 1902 to 1906 the future poet was

trained in Kutaisi gymna
sium where, probably, he managed to get acquainted with the liberal-democratic intelligentsia.In 1905, he even took part in a large demonstration of Russian and Georgian youth.


Слайд 4In 1908, many facts of life Mayakovsky concerning his political convictions

led to the fact that he was imprisoned.


Слайд 5Mayakovsky Lilya Brik has a special place.She was his muse, his

lover, his icon.As with any creator, the poet and his inspirer tied very complicated relationship.

Lilya Brik in the poet's life

Слайд 6Аn important role in the life of Mayakovsky played another woman,

it was a Russian immigrant Tatyana Yakovleva, who lived in Paris.

Tatiana Yakovleva

Слайд 7Suicide note

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