Images of science. Part 2 презентация

Gene transcription - electron micrograph

Слайд 1Earthrise
Часть 2

Слайд 2

Слайд 3Gene transcription - electron micrograph

Слайд 4RNA splicing - electron micrograph

Слайд 5Scanning electron micrograph of an adult Drosophila

Слайд 6Robert Hooke's drawings of fleas and cells (the first description of

cells, ever)

Слайд 7Microscope manufactured by Christopher Cock
of London for

Robert Hooke

Слайд 9Cork cells under the microscope.
Cork drawings by Robert Hooke.

Слайд 10Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek's drawings of bacteria and protozoa

Слайд 11Antonie van Leeuwenhoek's red chalk drawings of sand grains

Слайд 12Silver coloured metal replica of Antonie

van Leeuwenhoek's single lens microscope

Слайд 13A mushroom cloud from a nuclear device

Слайд 15'The Vitruvian man' by Leonardo da Vinci, a blend of art,

science and mathematics (geometry)

Слайд 16Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci

Слайд 18Hubble Deep Field

Слайд 20The first X-ray picture

of the human body ever taken.
It is Mrs. Röntgen's hand; the image was taken in 1895.

Слайд 21Darwin's phylogenetic tree drawing in his notebook

Слайд 23The illustration of Euclid's graphical

proof of the Pythagorean Theorem

Слайд 28
Философия и

наука Древней Греция вернулась в средневековую Европу через арабский Восток

Слайд 29Abu Dhabi

Слайд 30Picasso

Слайд 32Бутылка Клейна

Слайд 33The Banchoff Klein Bottle

Слайд 35Almost a Klein Bottle

Слайд 36Man on the moon is another one

Слайд 37First independent space-walker

Слайд 38Van Gogh Nanotubes From the mind of Vincent van Gogh to

the surface of self-assembled arrays of carbon nanotubes


Слайд 39Nano PacMan made of copper oxide Scanning electron microscope image of

a copper oxide cluster, 3.5 microns in diameter, prepared by evaporation and condensation over an alumina substrate

Слайд 40 Each nanowire is about
10 nm in diameter and tens

of micrometers in length

Слайд 41IBM written in 35 Xenon atoms, the dawn of the age

of nanotechnology

Слайд 42The Hubble space telescope
changed the way we look at space

Слайд 44
Here's a sample of many of the planetary nebulae imaged

by Hubble

Слайд 45Picture of the Day (APOD)

Слайд 46
Hubble/ IRTF Composite Image of

Jupiter Storms

Слайд 47Dust Band Around the Nucleus of "Black Eye Galaxy" M64

Слайд 48"Light Echo" Illuminates Dust Around Supergiant

Star V838 Monocerotis (V838 Mon)

Слайд 49Three Moons Cast Shadows on Jupiter

Слайд 50Detail of Saturn's Rings, Disk and Shadow

Слайд 51
Hubble View of Comet Tempel 1 - After Outburst

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