Image CC BY-NC-SA heloukee презентация

Слайд 1Image CC BY-NC-SA heloukee

Слайд 2@catherinecronin


Слайд 3“I don’t think education is about centralized instruction anymore; rather, it

is the process [of] establishing oneself as a node in a broad network of distributed creativity.”
– Joi Ito @joi (2011)

Image: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 yobink

Слайд 4
Flickr CC images: cdessums, infidelic, sholeh!

Слайд 5
Flickr CC images: cdessums, infidelic, sholeh!

Space prepares you
to receive

or to respond.

“Sensing Spaces”, Royal Academy of Arts - Jenny Mackness

Слайд 6

Space prepares you
to receive or to respond.

“Sensing Spaces”, Royal Academy

of Arts - Jenny Mackness

Слайд 7CC BY 2.0 linh.ngan
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Susan NYC

2.0 sndrv

Space prepares you
to receive or to respond.

“Sensing Spaces”, Royal Academy of Arts - Jenny Mackness

#icollab Vine by Daniel Adolph

Слайд 8learning... active, social, connected, open
Image: CC BY-NC 2.0 bitzi

Слайд 9“…largest and most comprehensive metanalysis of undergraduate STEM education published to

date…results raise questions about the continued use of traditional lecturing as a control in research studies, and support active learning as the preferred, empirically validated teaching practice in regular classrooms.”

published May 2014

Слайд 10The higher education sector has reached a critical point where it

must address the innovations that have changed the way its learners, and the rest of society, seek and engage with knowledge.

Слайд 11
Image: CC BY 2.0 dlofink

Слайд 12
At its best openness is an ethos
not a license. It's

an approach to
teaching and learning that
builds a community of learners
online and off.
Jim Groom


Слайд 15

Слайд 18
#icollab 2014

Слайд 21

Слайд 22
Image CC BY-ND 2.0 loop_oh

Слайд 24#icollab TAGSExplorer
thanks to @mhawksey

Слайд 28

Слайд 30#studentvoices

Слайд 34Source: Harold Jarche (2012) Coherent Communities

Слайд 37student voices

Слайд 38Social Media Tips #mscsm #icollab University of Salford

Слайд 39“I learned a lot more about writing to the public. Before

this I would have been less likely to express my views to a group of people online whereas now I would not have a problem in doing so.”

“By posting publicly it opened up our world to other academics or people who are just interested in the topic... I don’t think anyone would have thought that the author of one of the works we were researching would get involved.”



Слайд 40“I have learnt that social media / social networks are not

just to be used as a distraction for not getting work done but can be used as an aid to get the work done.
Social media / social networks can provide useful tools to help with academic learning.”


Social media...

Слайд 41“Before studying it, I used Facebook and Twitter mainly just for

keeping in contact with people, but since have discovered they both have much more to offer.
They are places to discover new information and boost your knowledge. That both education and socialising can be rolled into one… ”


Social networks...

Слайд 42
CC BY-NC 2.0 Idrose

Слайд 44Thank you!
Catherine Cronin
Thomas Cochrane
Image CC BY 2.0 visualpanic

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