Google is Giving Away Free Internet to Those Who Need It Most презентация

You may have heard that Google is disrupting the ultra-fast Internet market with its fiber service.

Слайд 1Google is Giving Away Free Internet to Those Who Need It


Слайд 2
You may have heard that Google is disrupting the ultra-fast Internet

market with its fiber service.

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Google Fiber Internet speeds can reach up to 1 Gbps, or

nearly 100 times the average U.S. Internet speed.

Слайд 4In markets where Fiber exists, competitors have either dropped their prices,

matched Fiber’s speeds, or both.

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But recently, Google made another huge move with Fiber.

Слайд 6The company said it will provide Internet service for free to

people in public and affordable housing properties, in all of the cities where Fiber exists.

Слайд 7And will do the same for every new city Google Fiber

comes to in the future.

Слайд 8The company is partnering with a White House initiative, called ConnectHome,

to bring the Internet to people who need it the most.

Слайд 9Google says that about 26% of households earning less than $30,000

per year don’t access the Internet…

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Compared to just 3% of adults with annual incomes over $75,000.

Слайд 11But it’s not just about giving away free Internet.

Слайд 12Google is also partnering with ConnectHome and community groups to teach

people basic computer skills.

Слайд 13And this isn’t the first time Google’s done this.

Слайд 14The company already has a similar free Internet initiative and computer

training program in Austin, TX.

Слайд 15In that city, 90% of residents eligible for the free program

signed up and more than 50% took the digital literacy class.

Слайд 16And the company’s hoping it can bring that same success to

other Google Fiber cities.

Слайд 17Which means that not only is Google upending the Internet industry,

but it’s also making sure it shrinks the digital divide at the same time.

Слайд 18

Wall Street hacks Apple's gadgets! (Investors, prepare to profit.)

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