Georgian artist, graphic artist: Rusudan Petviashvili презентация

The talent of the artist appeared in early childhood, draw began two years of age Her first solo exhibition at the age of six She has received numerous prizes

Слайд 1Georgian artist, graphic artist : Rusudan
Georgian university
Of the Patriarchate of




Lecturer: Tamar Dondua

Student : Elene Orjonikidze

St. Andrew the First-Called

Слайд 2The talent of the artist appeared in early childhood, draw began

two years of age

Her first solo exhibition at the age of six

She has received numerous prizes and awards, the first award in 1975

Слайд 3Testament of Avtandil
Shota Rustaveli
The art works of Rusudan Petviashvili can be

seen at the art Museum of Georgia

Слайд 5

Awards and Prizes

Gold medal and the first-degree diploma at the 8th

Republican Youth Olympiad of Arts (1975)
Gold medal and the first-degree diploma at the 10th Republican Youth Olympiad of Arts (1981)
Gold medal and the first-degree diploma at the 11th Republican Youth Olympiad of Arts (1983)

Winner of the Young Communist League Award for illustrations of the books The Knight in the Panther's Skin by Shota Rustaveli and The Georgian Folk Tales (1985)
International award Ambassador of Good Will (2005)
Order of Honor of the Georgian Republic (2008)
Presidential Order Shine (2011)

Слайд 6By:Mariam Kalandadze

Слайд 8Thank you for your attention
Sources : www.

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