Famous Last Words about Technology in the Workplace презентация


Слайд 1Famous Last Words about Technology in the Workplace

Слайд 2
Technology in the workplace has come a long way.

Слайд 3Think about it…

Слайд 4
It started with…
Desktop Computers
Copy Machine
Desk Phones

Слайд 5
And then...

Слайд 6
And then...

Слайд 7
Technologies that were once new and intimidating became commonplace.

Слайд 8
And though they were popular in our personal lives…

Слайд 9Many doomed them to fail as tools for work.

Слайд 10Let’s take a look back a few early predictions.

Слайд 11Let’s take a look back a few early predictions.

(but not so


Слайд 12The Desk Phone

Слайд 13
”This ’telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as

a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.”

− Western Union memo, 1876

Слайд 14But…

By 2008, Polycom reached
$1 billion in

Слайд 15
That’s a lot of
phones sold.

Слайд 16The Desktop Computer

Слайд 17
“In the mid-70s, someone came to me with an idea for

what was basically the PC.
I asked: 'What's it good for?' And the only answer was that a housewife could keep her recipes on it. I personally didn't see anything useful in it, so we never gave it another thought.”

− Gordon Moore, Intel

Слайд 18Over 300 million PCs were shipped in 2014.

Слайд 19The Internet

Слайд 20
”By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s

impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.”

− Paul Krugman, 1998

Слайд 21But…

4.3 billion people used the Internet in 2013.

Слайд 22Or nearly 61%
of the world’s population.

Слайд 23Instant Messaging

Слайд 24
”Few companies encourage employees to use AOL’s instant messaging service, though

many workers do so anyway.”

− Julia Angwin, Zdnet, 2011

Слайд 25But…

By 2005, AIM dominated the IM market with 53M users.

Слайд 26Mobile Phones

Слайд 27
”There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any

significant market share. No chance.”

− Steve Ballmer, USA Today, 2007

Слайд 28But by 2014, more than 500 million iPhones were sold.

Слайд 29Enterprise Social Networks

Слайд 30
”Enterprise social networking sure can sound a lot like the benefits

that were supposed to be delivered by previous generations of [software]. Sure, sure, it’s different this time. ”

− David F. Carr, InformationWeek, 2011

Слайд 31ESN users are projected to top 535 million by 2018.

Слайд 32Mobile Messaging

Слайд 33
”As technology progresses, texting is slowly becoming more and more unnecessary.

All it does is give us another way to interact with others with a lot of added nuances.”

− Alexia LaFata, ThoughtCatalog, 2014

Слайд 34But…

Use of messaging apps grew 203% in 2013.

Слайд 35And over 15,000 businesses are using enterprise mobile messaging from Cotap.

Слайд 36So before you dismiss enterprise mobile messaging
as just another trend…

Слайд 37
Give it a try.

Слайд 38
Meet Cotap

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