Education system презентация

in Russia

Слайд 1Education system

Слайд 2in Russia

Слайд 3School

Слайд 4
Education in Russia is compulsory for children between the ages of

6 and 15. It consists of primary school education for ages 6-10, followed by senior school for ages 10-15. If a pupil of secondary school wishes to go on in higher education, he or she must remain to complete secondary school for 2 more years, from ages 15-17.
Primary and secondary school includes 11 years of study. Every school has a core curriculum of academic subjects. After completing this stage, pupils are awarded the Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Complete General Education).


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At 15 years old, children may choose to enter a vocational

school or non-university institute. These typically offer programmes of academic subjects and a programme of training in a technical field until students reach 17 or 18. Such institutions used to be called technikum but now most of them are known as colleges.


Слайд 6
The Russian school year is comprised of 4 terms with vacations

in between; 1 week in November, 2 weeks in January, 1 week in March and nearly 3 months in summer. School is held from September 1 until the final week of May, with exams in June.
The school day normally starts at 8 a.m. and finishes at 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Students generally attend class 5 days a week, although some schools require extra study on Saturdays.


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A typical lasts 40 - 45 minutes with a 5 -15

minute break in between. In primary school students have 4 classes a day. This increases to 5 or 6 classes a day in secondary school, and 6 or 7 at a senior high school.
A normal class consists of 20-30 students. In primary school, pupils have one teacher for all the subjects taught.


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Subjects and Grades
Some subjects are mandatory such as Russian literature, Russian

language, Russian history, world history and the maths and sciences. In addition, there are specialized schools that concentrate on specific subjects.
Students are normally graded on a scale from 2 - 5, with 5 being the top grade. Each student has his or her “diary”; a personal book of academic achievements in which teachers record the given grades.


Слайд 9
Private and International Schools
Private schools are relatively uncommon in Russia. Such

schools emphasize learning English and other critical skills. Unlike state schools, private schools usually charge tuition fees.
There are also international schools for expat children in major Russian cities, such as the Anglo-American School of Moscow. Established by the US, UK and Canadian Embassies in Moscow, the school features state of the art facilities and equipment.


Слайд 10
Anglo-American School of Moscow

Слайд 11
Anglo-American School of Moscow

Слайд 12
Btitish Embassy in Moscow

Слайд 13Higher education

Слайд 14
After finishing senior secondary school, students can go on to higher

education. All applicants must take a competitive exam. Most higher education programmes in Russia offer 5 years of study for undergraduates in a variety of fields.
There are several types of higher education institutions. These are Universitet (University), Academia (Academy),Institut (Institute), Technicheskiy Universitet (Technical University), and Konservatoria (Conservatory).
Universities, academies and institutes have similar functions. Technical universities offer specialized instruction such as learning a skill, and conservatories offer lessons in music.

Higher education

Слайд 15
Higher education is provided by public and non-public (non-State) accredited institutions.

In public institutions students must pass competitive exams to be admitted. Those few who achieve outstanding results are awarded scholarships.
Approximately 1/3rd of students pay for their studies. At Moscow State University 3,400 students study on scholarships while another 1,000 pay tuition. In most non-public establishments all students pay tuition fees without receiving any financial help.
Higher education in Russia consists of 3 levels: incomplete (2 years); basic (4 years) and postgraduate (at least 5-6 years).

Higher education

Слайд 16
Incomplete Higher Education
The first stage of Russian university studies consists of

at least 2 years in a higher education study programme. The Diplom O Nepolnom Vysshem Obrazovanii (Diploma of Incomplete Higher Education) gives students the right to get jobs that require some training but not a degree.

Higher education

Слайд 17
Basic Higher Education
A Bakalavr's degree is equivalent to the Bachelors degree in the

US or Western Europe. The programme usually takes 5 years of full-time studying. In medicine, the first stage lasts for 6 years.

Higher education

Слайд 18
Basic Higher Education
The State Educational Standards regulate nearly 80% of curriculum

content. The universities are responsible for the other 20%. The programmes cover disciplines in the sciences, humanities and socio-economics.

Higher education

Слайд 19
Basic Higher Education

The Bakalavr's degree is awarded in all fields (except Medicine) after

carrying out a final research project under the guidance of a supervisor and sitting for final state exams.

Higher education

Слайд 20
Postgraduate Higher Education
Those who hold a Bakalavr's or have completed 5-6 years

of continuous study beyond the high school diploma can enter the Magistr's degree programme. This Specialist Programme is equivalent to a Master’s Degree in the US or Western Europe.
To obtain the Magistr's degree students must carry out a year of research with the objective of preparing and defending a thesis.

Higher education

Слайд 21
Kandidat Nauk
Those who hold a Specialist Diploma or a Magistr's can access the Aspirantura (postgraduate

education period) by passing an exam. The studies in Aspirantura last for 3 years, at the end of which students must pass qualifying exams.

Higher education

Слайд 22
Kandidat Nauk
The Kandidat Nauk is equivalent to a PhD in the US or

Western Europe. Students must carry out independent research and prepare to defend their dissertation in public.

Higher education

Слайд 23
Kandidat Nauk
The highest degree in Russia is Doctor Nauk, equivalent to Professor.

This programme is specific and does not have a fixed duration. It follows the Kandidat Nauk and is awarded after preparation and public defence of a dissertation.

Higher education

Слайд 24THE


by Kudryakow Bogdan IS 14-1

Слайд 25Thank u

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