Charles Spencer (Charlie) Chaplin презентация

Charles Chaplin became famous during the era of silent cinema, when he created the image of the intellectual-stroller Charlie, a shy, thievish little man who bravely opposed the injustice. And even


Слайд 2Charles Chaplin became famous during the era of silent cinema, when

he created the image of the intellectual-stroller Charlie, a shy, thievish little man who bravely opposed the injustice. And even when in 1927 people began to make sound films, Chaplin remained faithful to his former silent image for another decade.

Слайд 3During  his  life he performed 80 roles and became famous throughout the world as

a comedian, but he was also a screenwriter, director, producer and even composer of his own films. Such as  "The Kid", "A Wooman of Paris", 
"The Gold Rush" and others.

Слайд 4And only in 1940 Chaplin created a completely sound film "The

Great Dictator".
In 1952, Chaplin went to London for the premiere of his movie "The Lights of the Ramp", but he was not allowed back to the States. He settled in Switzerland where he spent the last years of his life.

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