Arnold Schwarzenegger презентация

Political Life Governor of California He is a republican 38th governor of California Became us citizen in 1983 Sworn in November 17th 2003

Слайд 1Arnold Schwarzenegger
By: Jacob Viviano

Слайд 2Political Life
Governor of California

He is a republican

38th governor of California

Became us

citizen in 1983

Sworn in November 17th 2003

Слайд 3Child hood
Born on July 30, 1947
Grew up in an isolated town

of Styria, Australia
Started body building at a young age
Got successful at body building
Served 1 year in Australian army

Слайд 4Nick-Names
Arnold Schwarzenegger is mostly known as the Australian oak because, he

is 6,2 and very strong. He is also from Australia.
His bodybuilding and height has brought Schwarzenegger to his name now.
Arnold was not into politics until he moved into California

Слайд 5Acting Career
Arnold Schwarzenegger moved to California during the recall.
He became a

very popular actor and was in one of the most exciting movies TERMINATOR.
He was an action hero in Hollywood.
Schwarzenegger basically came to California for an acting career.

Слайд 6Accomplishments
Arnold Schwarzenegger is involved in the Special Olympics.
His mother started

it too.
Bush appointed him President of physical and sports when he became governor in 2007.
In 2007 the state gross product of California grew by 29%.

Слайд 7Recourses


About Arnold biography

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