A human centered approach презентация


Слайд 1
A human centered approach
to mobile payments

Optimal Experience
Kelly Ann McKercher

Слайд 2
Allows consumers to store and manage their credit, debit, prepaid, gift,

identification and loyalty cards on their smartphone using a single payment application.

Mobile wallet

Слайд 3

What problems can mobile wallets solve for customers?

Слайд 4Security
Financial wellness
Less stuff
Simpler checkout

Слайд 5Security
Financial wellness
Less stuff
Simpler checkout

Слайд 8“Who do I trust with my money?”

Слайд 10
The less sharing, the better
Less effort, funds don’t have to be


I can see real-time balances

Слайд 11“Can I trust contactless payments?”

Слайд 12“Can I trust help me understand contactless payments”

Слайд 14
“Our exciting new initiative…”

Слайд 15
“Our exciting new initiative…”
“What about my fears?”

Слайд 19“What if my battery dies?”
“What if I’m on the phone?”

can I use it?”

“Do I need to be on the internet?”

Слайд 29Align with what users trust

Слайд 30Understand users fears

Слайд 31Communicate the benefits

Слайд 32Make it look legit

Слайд 33Security
Financial wellness
Less stuff
Simpler checkout


Слайд 34“Do I have enough money to pay for this?”
“With my rate of

spending, will I have enough money for the whole month?”

Слайд 35“Budgeting is hard, and boring”

Слайд 36“I can’t keep track of what I spend”

Слайд 42Add value with personalised insights

Слайд 43Put awareness back into spending

Слайд 44Make the technology do the work

Слайд 45Make it engaging

Слайд 49Security
Financial wellness
Less stuff
Simpler checkout

Слайд 51“I forget to use loyalty cards and miss out on savings”

Слайд 52Invisibility

Слайд 57Don’t make users think

Слайд 58Give people control

Слайд 59Test early and often

Слайд 60Security
Financial wellness
Less stuff
Simpler checkout

Слайд 63“Buying things on my smartphone is time consuming and fiddly”

Слайд 64
“I don’t want to sign up for everything!”

Слайд 69Streamline purchase flows

Слайд 70Ditch creating multiple accounts

Слайд 71Allow users to easily edit their info

Слайд 72Tell users how easy it is

Слайд 73Make it ubiquitous

Слайд 74CREATE

Слайд 76

What problems can mobile wallets solve for customers?

Слайд 79 

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