The Minimum Lovable Product (forget MVP) презентация


A can of cat food is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) when you are starving

Слайд 1The Minimum Lovable Product
(forget MVP)

Слайд 2A can of cat food is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

when you are starving

Слайд 3But it’s highly unsatisfying and unlikely to generate a loyal following

(of humans)

Слайд 4That’s one of the problems of the MVP approach. It strives

for ‘barely enough’ and never great

Слайд 5It results in products that mostly work but never delight

Слайд 6Definition:

The MVP is a new product with just the necessary features

to be deployed, but no more

Слайд 7But will that make customers love you?

Слайд 8Growth comes from long-term customer happiness

Слайд 9And long-term customer happiness comes when customers adore your product and

want you to succeed

Слайд 10What would it take for customers to love you—not tolerate you?

Слайд 11What would it take to create a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP)?

Слайд 12While the true adoption of the MVP is a strategic approach

to getting product out the door…

Слайд 13…when applied, can yield to unsatisfactory products

Слайд 14Rather than asking what do customers really want, or what would

delight them

Слайд 15The conversation always returns to what’s the minimum viable product and

when can we get it to market

Слайд 16The problem is that the two major principles driving the MVP

are flawed

Слайд 171: The MVP reduces waste

Слайд 18The MVP never reduces waste because it never delivers what the

customer really wants

Слайд 192: The MVP accelerates time to market

Слайд 20The MVP may very well get you something to market first

but even in an emerging market you will not be a serious contender

Слайд 21Helpdesks before Zendesk
Tablets before iPads
Electric cars before Tesla
CRM tools before Salesforce

were …

Слайд 22Chasing the MVP forces you to sprint faster and faster chasing

fool’s gold

Слайд 23Assuming you want to start thinking about creating love and others

are willing to give you a chance …

Слайд 24Here are a few ways to determine if you have succeeded

in identifying a Minimum Lovable Product

Слайд 25Find the big idea first
(The more of these characteristics you can

check off for your idea, the more lovable your product will be)

Слайд 26At least one person tells you it’s never been done

Слайд 27Customers visibly smile when you describe it to them

Слайд 28Someone swears when he hears the idea (in delight or disgust)

Слайд 29You dream of using it and all of the features you

could add

Слайд 30Only your CTO or top architects think it’s possible

Слайд 31People start contacting you to learn about what you are building

Слайд 32The top industry analysts are not writing about it

Слайд 33We hope this inspires and excites you

Слайд 34Interested in learning about what customers think of your product today?


our interactive tool to discover how lovable your product is

Слайд 35Check out a free trial of our lovable software at Aha!

new way to create brilliant product strategy and visual roadmaps

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