12 things computer programmers know That most people don’t! презентация

We came across a Quora thread about ‘some things that programmers know, but most people don't’ We decided to compile some of the best ones as well as ask some

Слайд 1

12 things computer programmers know
That most people don’t!

Слайд 2We came across a Quora thread about ‘some things that programmers

know, but most people don't’
We decided to compile some of the best ones as well as ask some of the Aditians what they thought!

Here are 12 things only programmers will understand!

Слайд 3"A parent may kill its children
if the task assigned to

them is no longer needed"

Suhas Grama, Software Engineer

# 1


Слайд 4"Programming" is thinking, not typing.
 Most of programming is spent sleeping, walking

around, staring out the window,
or doing anything else that helps
you relax and think."

Casey Patton, FDE


# 2

Слайд 5"All hacking scenes in
movies are complete bullshit."
Suhas Grama, Software Engineer


Слайд 6"Computers can't actually
generate a truly random number.”
Emmett Meehan
# 4


Слайд 7“String and thread are the same thing
to Non computing people”

Ramasubramaniam, Mobile App Developer

# 5

Wait! What?!

Слайд 8“The value of a semicolon”
Akshat Sood
# 6

Слайд 9"That the computer is actually a very dumb Machine and all

the intelligent things that you see it do are actually the intelligence of the programmer at work!”

Maulik Prabhudesai, Engineer

# 7

Слайд 10“One person’s crappy software
is another person’s full time job”
Jessica Gaston


Слайд 11“Beware of bugs in the above code;
I have only proved

it correct, not tried it.”

Donald Knuth

# 9

Слайд 12“Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V have saved more lives than Batman and Robin”

Kamath, Aditi Technologies

# 10

Слайд 13“My best code is going to be Greek to you anyway,

so why bother making it readable.”

Rohit Saigal, Aditi Technologies

# 11

Слайд 14“Sharpest minds don’t need C# or jazzy windows to hack in.

Some things are best done in ugly consoles and unreadable scripts...”

Rohit Saigal, Aditi Technologies

# 12

Слайд 15Tell us some of the things you know as a programmer

that others don’t!

Слайд 16And if you think you’re awesome, we can’t wait to meet

you! Join us to work at a company that works with great technologies!

Click Here!

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