Why Open Access is Right for the World Bank презентация

Why Open Access is Right for the World Bank It wasn’t always so It’s Mission Driven It’s Cutting Edge It makes us Relevant It makes us Open It makes us Accountable

Слайд 1Why Open Access is Right
for the World Bank
Carlos Rossel, Publisher,

The World Bank
Publishing Officers Inter-Agency Meeting
October 9, 2012

Слайд 2Why Open Access is Right for the World Bank
It wasn’t always so

Mission Driven
It’s Cutting Edge
It makes us Relevant
It makes us Open
It makes us Accountable
It makes us Results Driven
It Works

Слайд 3It Wasn’t Always So
“The Bank needs to exploit the commercial

potential of its publications while pursuing cost effectiveness in reaching targeted audiences.” – Publisher’s Job Description, January 2008

Слайд 4World Bank Mission Statement
Our Dream is a World Free of Poverty

fight poverty with passion and professionalism for lasting results To help people help themselves and their environment by providing resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity and forging partnerships in the public and private sector

Слайд 5“We need to do development differently” Robert Zoellick, President, The World

Bank Group

New Direction: Democratizing Development
We need to throw open the doors, recognizing that others can find and create their own solutions. And this open research revolution is underway. We need to recognize that development knowledge is no longer the sole province of the researcher, the scholar, or the ivory tower. The aim is to open the treasure chest of the World Bank’s data and knowledge to every village health care worker, every researcher, everyone.
Georgetown University, September 2010

Слайд 6Old Age Security
Early Childhood Education
Conflict & Failed States
Gender Equity
Climate Change
Investment Climate

Слайд 7Old Age Security
Early Childhood Education
Conflict & Failed States
Gender Equity
Climate Change
Investment Climate

treasure chest of World Bank knowledge

Слайд 8Embracing Openness

Слайд 9Four Pillars of the World Bank’s Open Agenda
Access to Information
“The World

Bank’s Access to Information Policy is
the gold standard for financial institutions…”

− Chad Dobson, Bank Information Center

Moved from positive to negative list
Except for small list of exceptions, 2,682 new documents and reports available
Over 2 million pages viewed since July 2010

Слайд 12Four Pillars of the World Bank’s Open Agenda
Access to Information
Open Data

Слайд 16Four Pillars of the World Bank’s Open Agenda
Access to Information
Open Data

Access Policy
Creative Commons Licensing

Слайд 17Our Conflict

Слайд 18Dissemination of Print Books

Слайд 19“Followers” on Social Media

Слайд 20Dissemination of Print & Electronic
Same Content
Different Channels

Слайд 21Sustainable Open Access Publishing
Content. Lots of good content
Authorizing environment
OA Policy /

Creative Commons Licensing / Publishing Policy
Client oriented
Really good people

Слайд 22The Currency of Open Access

Слайд 24Why Open Access is Right for the World Bank
It’s Mission Driven
It’s Cutting

It makes us Relevant
It makes us Open
It makes us Accountable
It makes us Results Driven
It Works

Слайд 25Thank you!
Carlos Rossel, Publisher, The World Bank

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