The National Gallery, London презентация

Some facts about the National Gallery founded in 1824; a collection of over 2,300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900; entry to the main collection is free of charge;

Слайд 1The National Gallery, London
Irina Chemerkina, 341 group

Слайд 2

Слайд 3Some facts about the National Gallery
founded in 1824;
a collection of over

2,300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900;
entry to the main collection is free of charge;
is among the most visited art museums in the world;
opening hours: daily 10am – 6pm, Friday 10am – 9pm.

Слайд 4Some of the must-see paintings
Venus and Mars
about 1485, Sandro Botticelli

Слайд 5Some of the must-see paintings
1888, Vincent van Gogh
The Madonna of the Pinks

1506-7, Raphael

Слайд 6Some of the must-see paintings
The Fighting Temeraire
1839, Joseph Mallord William Turner

Слайд 7Some of the must-see paintings
Bathers (Les Grandes Baigneuses)
Paul Cézanne
about 1894-1905

Слайд 10The National Dining Rooms

The National Café
Espresso Bar

Слайд 12
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