French Painters 1715-1720: The Depiction of Fashion презентация


Women‘s dress from 1720

Слайд 1French Painters 1715-1720: The Depiction of Fashion

Слайд 2Women‘s dress from 1720

Слайд 3European Fashion from 1690

Слайд 4Largillière, Nicolas de: La Belle Strasbourgeoise (1703)

Слайд 5Largillière, Nicolas de: Comtesse Marie-Marguerite de Rupelmonde (1707)

Слайд 6Largillière, Nicolas de: Louis XIV (1715)

Слайд 7Largillière, Nicolas de: Konrad Detlef Graf Dehn (1724)

Слайд 8Largillière, Nicolas de: Portrait of a young nobleman in hunting costume

(ca. 1730)

Слайд 9Largillière, Nicolas de: Portrait of a Man. (1714-16)

Слайд 10Largillière, Nicolas de: Portrait of an Officer. (1714-15)

Слайд 11Largillière, Nicolas de: Portrait of Pierre Cadeau de Mongazon (c. 1720)

Слайд 12Largillière, Nicolas de: A Gentleman (c. 1715)

Слайд 13Largillière, Nicolas de: A Gentleman (1720)

Слайд 14Largillière, Nicolas de: Louis XIV and His Family (c. 1710)

Слайд 15Largillière, Nicolas de: Portrait of a Man in a Purple Robe

(c. 1700)

Слайд 16Rigaud, Hyacinthe: Portrait of Antoine Paris (1724)

Слайд 17Rigaud, Hyacinthe: State Portrait of Louis XV (1715)

Слайд 18Largillière, Nicolas de: Portrait de Marguerite de Sève (1729)

Слайд 19Largillière, Nicolas de: Portrait de Marie Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans, Duchess of

Berry (c. 1712, before 1719)

Слайд 20Largillière, Nicolas de: Portrait of Madame Isaac de Thellusson (1725)

Слайд 21Largillière, Nicolas de: The Artist and his Family (c. 1710)

Слайд 22PESNE, Antoine: Jean Mariette (1723)

Слайд 23Jean-Antoine Watteau: La proposition embarrassante (1715-16)

Слайд 24Jean-Antoine Watteau: La Badeuse. 1718.

Слайд 25WATTEAU, Jean-Antoine: An Elegant Couple by a sculpted (c. 1715?)

Слайд 26WATTEAU, Jean-Antoine: Fêtes Vénitiennes (1718-19)

Слайд 27WATTEAU, Jean-Antoine: Party of Four (c. 1713)

Слайд 28 Jean-Antoine Watteau, Pleasures of Dance, Detail (c. 1717)

Слайд 29WATTEAU, Jean-Antoine: Three Studies of a Lady in a Hat (1715)

Слайд 30WATTEAU, Jean-Antoine: Back of a Woman (first half of 18th Century)

Слайд 31WATTEAU, Jean-Antoine: Seated Woman Holding a Fan (1717)

Слайд 32WATTEAU, Jean-Antoine: Study of a Back of a Woman (1713-16)

Слайд 33 Jean-Antoine Watteau, L'Enseigne de Gersaint , (c. 1720)

Слайд 34 Jean-Antoine Watteau, Pleasures of Love, Detail (1718–1719)

Слайд 35 Jean-Antoine Watteau: Portrait d'un gentilhomme c. 1711-1720)

Слайд 36Oudry Jean Baptiste: Mary Josephine Drummond,Countess of Castilblanco (1716)

Слайд 37Oudry Jean Baptiste: Henri Camille, Chevalier de Beringhen (1722)

Слайд 38Pater, Jean Baptiste Joseph: Gathering in a Park (1719-20)

Слайд 39Raoux, Jean: Lady at her Toilette (1727)

Слайд 40Gobert, Pierre: Marie Louise Elisabeth d'Orleans,Duchess of Berry in (c. 1715-1718)

Слайд 41Gobert, Pierre: Portrait of Luiza Adelaida of Orleans (c. 1725)

Слайд 42Gobert, Pierre: Marie Anne de Bourbon, Mlle. de Clermont (c. 1710-1730)

Слайд 43Gobert, Pierre: Portrait Marie Anne de Bourbon as Princess of Condé


Слайд 44Gobert, Pierre: Portrait of a Bride with Flowers (Charlotte Aglaé d'Orléans,

called Mademoiselle de Valois?) (c. 1720)

Слайд 45Gobert, Pierre: Portrait de la marquise de la Roche-sur-Yon (c. 1715)

Слайд 46Nattier, Jean-Marc: Jean-Baptiste Le Gobien, seigneur de Saint-Jouan (1724)

Слайд 47De Troy: La déclaration d'amour (c. 1724-1725)

Слайд 48De Troy: Jean – Francois: Jean de Julienne (1722)

Слайд 49De Troy: Jean – Francois: Declaration of love (1731)

Слайд 50De Troy: Jean – Francois: Breakfast (1723)

Слайд 51De Troy: Jean – Francois: Duchesse de la Force (1714)

Слайд 52De Troy: Jean – Francois: The Alarm, or the Gouvernante Fidèle


Слайд 53Belle, Alexis Simon: Élisabeth-Charlotte d'Orléans,Duchess of Lorraine and her son François-Étienne


Слайд 54Lancret, Nicolas: Elegant group of people in a park (between 1710-1743)

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