British Museum презентация

This is one of the oldest and largest historical museums in the world frequented tourist object,

Слайд 1British Museum

Слайд 2

This is one of the oldest and largest historical museums in

the world frequented tourist object, which contains unique artifacts, artistic masterpieces from all over the world.

Слайд 3


Sir Hans Sloane                Robert Bruce Cotton              Robert Harley               
              (1660-1753)                      (1571—1631)             (1661-1724)

    It was founded in 1753 with the permission of the British Parliament. The basis of the expositions of the Museum were private collections of three well-known society personalities, transferring their collection has just formed a state historical-archaeological Museum.

Слайд 4Artifacts Of Ancient Egypt
Rosetta stone

Слайд 5Artifacts Of Ancient Egypt
The Amarna tablets 

Слайд 6Artifacts Of Ancient Egypt
Mummy of Cleopatra from Thebes

Слайд 7Greece and Rome
 Terracotta sarcophagus of the Etruscan noblewoman Seianti Thanunia Tlesnasa

Слайд 8Greece and Rome
The sword of Tiberius

Слайд 9Ancient history and Europe
Cup of gold and Gold necklace from Sintra

Слайд 10Africa, America, Oceania
Aztec mosaic of turquoise and Bronze Benin

Слайд 11Asia
The statue of Amitabha Buddha and the statue of Tara

Слайд 12Coins and medals
    The Department, which collected million the number

of artifacts representing the history of production and use of coins in different periods of human life (from 7th century BC until today).

Слайд 13Engraving and drawings
   The exposition of this Department contain about 50 thousand

figures, more than 2 million prints and xylographic works of the works of famous European painters from Leonardo da Vinci to the modern avant-gardist.

Слайд 14Library of the British Museum
   One of the largest repositories of

printed and manuscript rarities of the world with 6 reading rooms on 670 visitors. The library collections are nearly 7 million volumes of various publications.

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