Architecture презентация


The art and science of designing and constructing buildings Architecture

Слайд 1M. Ryan
Academic Decathlon

Слайд 2The art and science of designing and constructing buildings

Слайд 3Architects: specialists in designing structures

Слайд 4Architecture
One of the early architectural developments was the use of the

“post-and-lintel” method

A beam is placed horizontally across upright posts.

Слайд 5Architecture
Ancient Greek “Orders” (styles): composed of a shaft, capital, and base.

(click me)

Слайд 6Architecture
Entablature: the top of an order; includes the architrave, frieze, and


Слайд 7Architecture
Other key developments include the arch,

Слайд 8Architecture
the vault,

Слайд 9Architecture
and the dome (my personal favorite).

Слайд 10Architecture
The arch was a purely Roman invention. An arch is often

made up of small stones called voussoir and a large central stone called a keystone.

Слайд 11Architecture
A series of columns is called a colonnade.
A series of arches

is called an arcade.

Слайд 12Architecture
The arch, vault, and dome are variations of the same concept

that allowed for greater height and more space inside a building.

Слайд 13Architecture
The Romans were great engineers. They developed concrete as a building

material, which was used in building aqueducts, baths, and other public works projects.

Слайд 14Architecture
Flying Buttress: external arch that counter-balanced the outward thrust of the

high, vaulted ceilings.

Слайд 15Architecture
During the Industrial Revolution, many new materials were developed: glass-- Crystal

Palace (1851)

Слайд 16Architecture
and wrought iron:
The Eiffel Tower

Слайд 17Modern Architecture
Antonio Gaudi: Spanish architect– no flat surface or straight lines


Слайд 18Antonio Gaudi’s most famous building: “La Sagrada Familia”
Modern Architecture

Слайд 19Modern Architecture
The 1st skyscraper was made in St. Louis, MO by

Louis Sullivan who coined the expression “form follows function”.

Слайд 20Modern Architecture
Frank Lloyd Wright: American architect; carefully considered the environment where

the building was to be constructed.

“Falling Water”

More Wright

Слайд 21Modern Architecture
Steel and concrete are the favored materials for commercial type


Wood and brick are the favored materials for residential construction.

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