A Place In My Heart. Nana Mouskouri Istanbul (A Different Adaptation) презентация


A Place In My Heart Nana Mouskouri *

Слайд 1*
A Place In My Heart
Nana Mouskouri

« Istanbul «

(A Different Adaptation)

Слайд 2A Place In My Heart

Nana Mouskouri

Слайд 4
i got your letter yesterday

Слайд 5from some small town i never knew

Слайд 6it told me you were on your way

Слайд 7but not where you were going to

Слайд 8you said you’re following the sun

Слайд 9but do you really know for sure

Слайд 10for after all is said and done

Слайд 11just what it is you are looking for

Слайд 12there is a place in my heart

Слайд 13i wish that your eyes could see

Слайд 14and there’s no one on earth

Слайд 15who loves you as much as me

Слайд 16if you just travel on and on

Слайд 17till i don’t know where

Слайд 18there’s a place in my heart

Слайд 19you may never find again

Слайд 20*

and so you travel with the wind

Слайд 21you’ll find some road to fly along

Слайд 22and though your letter says the word

Слайд 23your heart may soon forget the song

Слайд 24then you may someday write the poem

Слайд 25that tells your life in words of fire

Слайд 26but you will never have a home

Слайд 27or find the love that you desire

Слайд 28there’s a place in my heart

Слайд 29i wish that your eyes could see

Слайд 30and there’s no one on earth

Слайд 31*
who loves you as much as me

Слайд 32*
if you just travel on and on

Слайд 33*
till i don’t know where

Слайд 34*
there’s a place in my heart

Слайд 35*
you may never find again

Слайд 36*
and so you’re heading for the sea

Слайд 37*
now that the flowers are in bloom

Слайд 38*
just when the wild mimosa tree

Слайд 39*
is like the colour of our room

Слайд 44*
if you just travel on and on

Слайд 45*
till i don’t know where

Слайд 46*
there’s a place in my heart

Слайд 47*
you may never find again

Слайд 49*
Février, 2011

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