Unleash the power of a clear mind. Sudafed презентация

We snap you back in

the game by unblocking your head & reviving your mental sharpness

Слайд 2

Слайд 11In this commercial we see a series of ‘slice-of-congested-life’ scenarios as

a voiceover introduces us to The Uncongested Mind and how great it is. In the opening scene we see a remote control popping out from down the side of a sofa as a congested person looks under a cushion on the other side of the room. Twice. The voiceover says; ‘The Uncongested Mind knows the location of the remote control’.
In another, we see a congested person looking dazed and confused in the aisle of a supermarket ‘The Uncongested Mind remembers what it popped out for’. In another, we see a congested man talking to a group of businessmen confidently, everyone is looking at his undone zipper ‘The Uncongested Mind keeps its zipper zipped’.
We see a congested person dopily standing at a bus stop beside a massive puddle. The film finishes just as a car is about to splash through it. The voiceover says Sudafed clears your congestion so you can breathe better, to think better.
A title says Sudafed. Let your mind breathe.

Слайд 12In this commercial we see a series of arresting images that

bring to life The Uncongested Mind. We hear an announcer explain the power of an uncongested mind:

The Uncongested Mind connects the dots and squares the circle
And knows that E=MC2
The Uncongested Mind knows it can’t give 110 percent.
And it does not repeat itself
And It does not repeat itself
The Uncongested Mind knows that Elvis, HAS left the building.

Sudafed unblocks your head so you can breathe better, to think better.

We hear the announcer say: Sudafed. Let your mind breathe

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