The Skeletal System презентация

Plan 1. Skeletal System functions 2. Human Skeleton 3. Types 4.Glossary

Слайд 1Kazakhstan-Russian medical university

Theme: «The brain».

Written by: Bazilov.A 306A
Checked by:

Слайд 2Plan
1. Skeletal System functions
2. Human Skeleton
3. Types

Слайд 3Skeletal System - Functions
Support & shape to body
Protection of internal organs

in union with muscles
Storage of minerals (calcium, phosphorus) & lipids
Blood cell production

Слайд 4The Skeletal System
Know the Skeletal Anatomy
Axial Skeleton
Appendicular Skeleton
Surface Anatomy of the

By x-ray or diagram
Structure/function of joints, muscle and ligament attachments
Including range of motion

Слайд 5Human Skeleton
206 Bones
Axial skeleton: (80 bones) in skull, vertebrae, ribs,

sternum, hyoid bone
Appendicular Skeleton: (126 bones)- upper & lower extremities plus two girdles
Half of bones in hands & feet

Слайд 6Axial Skeleton (80)
Ossicles of the middle ear
Hyoid bone
Thorax or

Vertebral column

Слайд 7Appendicular Skeleton (126)
Upper Extremity (64)
Shoulder Girdle
Lower Extremity (62)
Pelvic Girdle

Слайд 8Types of Bone
Long bones: longer than they are wide; shaft

& 2 ends (e.g.: bones of arms & legs,except wrist, ankle & patella)
Short bones: roughly cube-shaped (e.g.: ankle & wrist bones)
Sesamoid bones: short bones within tendons (e.g.: patella)
Flat bones: thin, flat & often curved (e.g.,: sternum, scapulae, ribs & most skullbones)
Irregular bones: odd shapes; don't fit into other classes (e.g.: hip bones & vertebrae)

Слайд 9The skull

8 sutured bones in cranium
Facial bones: 13 sutured bones,

encases brain
attachments for muscles

Слайд 10Vertebral column

7 cervial vertebrae
12 thoracic
5 lumbar

sacrum (5 fused)
1 coccyx (4 fused)

Vertebrae vary in size and morphology

Слайд 12Glossary
1.Skeleton of limbs - a set of hard tissues, serving as

a support for moving parts of the body. The skeleton of the extremities is divided into the skeleton of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs and the skeleton of the pelvic girdle and lower limbs. Скелет конечностей - совокупность твердых тканей, служащих опорой для подвижных частей тела. Скелет конечностей подразделяют на скелет плечевого пояса и верхних конечностей и скелет тазового пояса и нижних конечностей.
2. Jaws- upper and lower jaws; The largest bones of the facial part of the skull, which determine its shape.Челюсти - верхняя и нижняя челюсти; самые крупные кости лицевого отдела черепа, определяющие его форму.

Слайд 133.Fixed joints of bones - fusion of bones or joints of

bones with sutures. Неподвижное соединение костей - срастание костей или соединение костей швами.
4.The spine is the axial skeleton of a person. The spine consists of 32-34 vertebrae, interconnected by cartilages, joints and ligaments, or fused.Позвоночник - осевой скелет человека. Позвоночник состоит из 32-34 позвонков, соединенных между собой хрящами, суставами и связками или срастающихся

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