The Premature Newborn Unit презентация

Makarenko Rimma

Слайд 2The Premature Newborn Unit
The Premature Newborn Unit provides a specialized

day-and-night care for premature newborns and children with any diseases. A significant number of babies is daily hospitalized in our Premature Newborn Unit.

Слайд 3Why a baby is required to be put in the Premature

Newborn Unit!

To catch up with the growth and development, which should occur during prenatal development, premature babies need extra care and attention. For example, it is difficult for the premature newborn to keep warm because the baby still can not regulate its own body temperature. This requires a special baby cot (incubator). If the baby is too small, weak and can not eat, it can receive necessary nutrition through drip feed or through a feeding tube, through which milk goes into the stomach of the baby.

Слайд 4Premature newborns also need additional monitoring, treatment and care. They are

still very vulnerable and can have serious health problems. Common health problems of premature babies:

- breathing problems;
- blood stroke;
- poor state of the heart;
- improper functioning of the bowels,
- indigestion;
- sight problems;
- jaundice;
- anemia;
- infection.

Слайд 5
The medical staff of our Premature Newborn Unit constantly monitors showing

of any signs of the above mentioned disorders and diseases. If necessary, they promptly conduct necessary treatment.

Слайд 6Who takes care of the baby in the Neonatal Pathology and

Premature Newborn Unit!

Our Premature Newborn Unit has a team of professionals:
Attending and specialized nurses of the newborn unit.
Senior medical nurse.
Pediatrician or neonatologist who will take care of your baby.
Other specialized doctors, such as surgeons, radiologists, which is called from other departments for advice.
Attending physicians with various degrees and titles.
Assistant physicians.
Dietitians who will select adequate nutrition for the baby.
Nurses caring for children.

Слайд 7
The last but not the least important in the list -

the parents. They know best their child; the mother is the main person responsible for taking care of it. Our doctors understand this and treat them as a part of the team. We attract the mother, as possible, to actively working of the baby.
Our Premature Newborn Unit follows an open doors policy. Visits are always possible during the day time

Слайд 8Why the maternity department has so many technical equipment and tubes?

Perhaps it's pretty scaring when the mother sees her baby placed in various kinds of technical devices. She might have a thought that she would never be able to be with her child. Be sure that as the baby gets stronger, less technical equipment is required for its development. Every day it is getting easier for the mother to take care of its little baby. Some devices emit loud sound signals that can be frightening. Do not hesitate to ask the nurses, what such signal means, whether it requires special attention.

Слайд 9Here is a list of some types of equipment, which you

may encounter in the Neonatal Pathology and Premature Newborn Unit:

Heaters for babies The incubator is a special crib that supports desired temperature and in some cases controls the level of humidity. Some types of incubators have a lid. Some incubators are equipped with an additional heating element, which is located above the baby. Monitors There are different types of monitors that help the neonatal team take care of your baby. Monitors for tracking key vital functions are used to monitor the baby's heartbeat, breathing rate, blood pressure and body temperature. Nurses place on the chest of the baby applicators with wires, which displays information on the health of the baby on the monitor. Quite often, the monitor produces a variety of signals. The monitors that tracks the baby's blood oxygen saturation. Applicators are installed on the hands and feet of the baby.

Слайд 10Devices to assist the baby to perform respiratory function
The artificial lung

ventilation apparatus helps the baby's lungs to work. If your baby is born prematurely or weak, it may need such device. The doctor gently inserts the endotracheal tube into the baby’s trachea. Gas mixture consisting of air and oxygen through the tube enters and leaves the lungs of the child. The continuous positive airway pressure apparatus is another type of equipment that can help your baby breathe. This device provides a continuous flow of air into the lungs and helps to keep the airway open. Air enters through a mask or tube that is installed in the nose of the baby. This tube is called a nasal cannula. If the child needs extra oxygen, there are incubators with a transparent dome for oxygen therapy. The baby can also get extra oxygen through a mask or nasal cannula.

Слайд 11Tubes
The Venflon intravenous cannula attached to the tube for liquid, drugs,

nutrition needed for your baby may be inserted into the baby’s vein. The tube may also be placed in the area of the artery for monitoring blood pressure, levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The infusion pump is a device that helps deliver necessary drugs and fluids through a tube at a certain speed and required frequency. If the baby is not yet ready to eat from its mother's breast or bottle, a gastronomic tube delivers milk directly into the baby's stomach. The nurse gently inserts through the mouth or nose of the baby a soft, flexible tube into the stomach.

Слайд 12Special light rays
If your child has jaundice, phototherapy will help it.

Many newborn babies develop jaundice. Their skin is yellow, because a substance called bilirubin is produced faster than the baby’s body can output it. Under the influence of such rays, bilirubin generated in the baby's body is converted into a harmless substance until the baby is able to do it by itself. With the help of phototherapy, bilirubin takes the form which is much faster excreted from the body. During this procedure, the child is exposed to phototherapy lights, a special mask services as eye protection.

Слайд 13Can the baby be visited in the Neonatal Pathology and Premature

Newborn Unit?

The mother is usually allowed to stay with the baby around the clock.

Слайд 14How the mother can help her baby while it is in

the Premature Newborn Unit?

The premature baby requires all the same things as any other child - mother's touch, mother's voice and mother's presence. All this will be of excellent service to the baby. There are some things with which my mother will be able to help her little baby while it is in the Premature Newborn Unit:

Слайд 15Kangaroo care
Once your baby is stronger, one of the most effective

ways to help it is the so-called kangaroo care. The mother just keeps her baby under her clothes, providing skin to skin contact. The kangaroo care allows the baby for calming down, improving its health, accelerating development.

Слайд 16
According to research, the kangaroo care may reduce the risk of

infection, help establish breastfeeding and communicate with the baby. Employees of our unit can help the mother hold the baby in the right way when it is ready for that. Some pediatricians have a negative attitude to the kangaroo care, considering that its use gives the wrong load on the spine of the baby and affects development of the baby.

Слайд 17Feeding of the baby
Once your baby is stronger, the mother can

begin to feed it. If the mother wants to breastfeed, our nurses will do everything possible to help her. Nurses help the mother pump out breast milk until the baby gets stronger.
Feeding the premature baby with breast milk can help the development of its brain and contribute to the disease control. Breastfed babies are sooner checked out. If the baby is born prematurely, it is not always easy to establish the breastfeeding process for various reasons. It is especially hard when the mother is under stress, when the mother is too worried about the baby. The mother will always be provided with necessary assistance and support.

Слайд 18Childcare
The baby may need some time to get stronger and parents

begin to do their normal parental responsibilities, such as changing diapers and bathing..

Слайд 19Taking care of yourself
One of the most important things parents can

do for their baby is to take care of themselves. Get enough sleep, eat regularly and correctly, do breaks from home routines. It is very exhausting when your baby is in the Premature Newborn Unit, especially if there are other children and the mother is not yet fully recovered from difficult labors. It is natural that the mother puts the needs of the baby in the first place, but she should not forget about herself.

Слайд 20When may the baby be checked out from the hospital?
It is

difficult to answer this question, because all children are different. It depends on the condition of the baby. The condition of the babies, weight and size of which is less, which are born prematurely, usually involves a lot of problems. They remain in most cases longer in othe Premature Newborn Unit. The premature baby, which, on the contrary, feels better, usually remains in the Premature Newborn Unit until the previously expected due date. If the baby’s condition is really good, it may be checked out earlier.

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