Personal hygiene презентация

Personal hygiene Good personal hygiene is important to prevent risk of food poisoning. © Food – a fact of life 2013

Слайд 1© Food – a fact of life 2013
Personal hygiene
PowerPoint 261

Слайд 2Personal hygiene
Good personal hygiene is important to prevent risk of food


© Food – a fact of life 2013

Слайд 3Tie back long hair
Tying back long hair:
stops it dangling

in food;
prevents it from landing in food;
prevents it from being caught in equipment;

If you’ve got a hat, wear it!

© Food – a fact of life 2013

Слайд 4Roll up long sleeves
This stops sleeves and cuffs becoming dirty.

It prevents dirt from sleeves touching food.

© Food – a fact of life 2013

Слайд 5Wear an apron
This stops your clothes from getting dirty.

also prevents dirt from your clothes touching food.

© Food – a fact of life 2013

Слайд 6Remove jewellery
Before cooking, remove jewellery to:
stop it from getting dirty;
prevent dirt

from your jewellery touching food;
stop it being mixed into food.

© Food – a fact of life 2013

Слайд 7Wash hands
Wash hands thoroughly, with hot soapy water, this helps

to remove dirt and microbes.
You must wash hands before, during and after cooking.
Also, wash hands after going to the toilet, blowing your nose or handling waste.

© Food – a fact of life 2013

Слайд 8Cuts and boils
Cover cuts or boils with a waterproof plaster,

preferably blue (so you can see them).

Coughs and sneezes

Do not cough or sneeze over food.

© Food – a fact of life 2013

Слайд 9© Food – a fact of life 2013
© Food – a

fact of life 2013

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