Performance measurement in PHC презентация

From information to wisdom

Слайд 1How to measure family medicine?
28 April 2016, Harkiv

Taavi Lai, MD PhD

View Consulting, Estonia

Слайд 2From information to wisdom

Слайд 3What to measure?
Health system is there to improve health outcomes of

people -> these need to be measured!
When we know what health status we want to achieve, we can plan a system that is able to achieve desired outcomes and measure:
Inputs (e.g. money, human resources)
Processes (e.g. what services and how are provided)
Outputs (e.g. how many visits and access to services)
Finally, we can link changes in outcomes to how we’ve changed inputs/processes/outputs

Слайд 4Donabedian model

Слайд 5Conceptual framework for measurement

Слайд 6Hypertension* patient journey
*Annually 5 visits above national average over all diseases

of the slide: Triin Habicht
Source: The State of Health Care Integration in Estonia. The World Bank (2015)

39% visits to specialist (mainly cardiologist), from these 67% avoidable

60% of patients returns to family doctor after one visit to specialist

10% got all tests suggested by treatment guidelines, 20% got none

84% of hospitalisations for hypertension and other cardiological diseases were avoidable

90 days after hospitalisation only 49% patients with AMI and 48% with stroke have returned to family doctor or specialist

Слайд 7How do we know whether results are good?

Слайд 8Satisfaction with PHC in Estonia

Слайд 9DPT3 coverage in Estonia

Слайд 11From information to wisdom

Слайд 12Example of a quality improvement tool

Слайд 13Progress of selected indicators in Estonian PHC Quality Bonus System

Слайд 14Doing the improvement

Слайд 16It is a continuing process

Слайд 17Thank you for your attention!

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