Nonrheumatic carditis in children презентация


Plan of the lecture 1. Definition of carditis 2. Etiologic factors 3. Classification 4. Clinical presentation of carditis 5. Treatment 6. The differential diagnosis of cardiomyopathy

Слайд 1 Nonrheumatic carditis in children

Слайд 2Plan of the lecture
1. Definition of carditis
2. Etiologic factors

4. Clinical presentation of carditis
5. Treatment
6. The differential diagnosis of cardiomyopathy

Слайд 3Nonrheumatic carditis (NC)
NC join all inflammatory myocardium diseases of different etiology

that aren’t caused by b-hemolytic Streptococcus of group A and diffuse connective tissue diseases
NC is polyetiologic disease

Слайд 4Epidemiology
According to autopsy data morbidity in children higher than in adults

and is 9,4%.
Severe forms are more frequent in children especially in infants.
In children died from sudden death mortality due to NC is 17 %.
NC morbidity increased during viral disease epidemia.

Слайд 5Etiologic factors

Слайд 6Predisposed factors
Inherited myocardium hypersensitivity
Inherited immune deficiency

Слайд 7NC pathogenesis
Direct viral action on myocardiocyte

Immune complexes and autoallergenes formation

Immune damage

by antibodies and activated lymphocytes

Vascular damages by viruses with microvasculature impairment

Miocardium edema with IC storage

Necrosis and inflammatory changes in myocardium (cell infiltrates)

Collagen tissue development
Myocardium fibrotic changes

Слайд 8Classification

Слайд 9Inborn carditis ( are rare,especially isolated ones)
(causative factor affects within
4-7 mo

of gestation; inflammatory reactions are absent but tissue prolifiration is present)

(appear withing last 3 mo of gestation; inflammatory reaction is developed)
Fibrosis is absent

Слайд 10Clinical picture of early carditis
Neonate usually has signs of carditis with

contractile dysfunction and heart dilation
Main symptom is cardiomegaly and congestive heart disease, dyspnea, cough
Sometimes congestive heart disease manifest itself after viral diseases
Body weight gaining retardation, paleness, flaccidity, sweat, naso-labial cyanosis, weak suckling

Слайд 11Clinical presentation of late carditis
Manifest at 1-6 mo old,sometimes later at

2-3 years old.
Neonates has normal body weight but than retard weight and height gaining due to progressed congestive heart disease.
Children have frequent common cold and respiratory diseases
Skin is pale with perioral cyanosis.
Flaccidity, weakness especially during feeding, attacks of agitation, convulsions, acrocyanosis
Constant tachycardia, dyspnea during rest and crying.
Stable rhythm and conductivity disturbances

Слайд 12Objective data of inborn carditis
Heart borders are dilated to left and

up, apex beat is wide, early formation of “cor hibus” that is quite visible at 5-6 mo old.
Auscultation : muffled 1 sound at apex ans accentuated II sound at lung artery. If congestive heart disease progresses gallop rhythm appear. Systolic murmur can appear due to relative mitral valve insufficiancy.
Congestive heart disease in fibroelastosis is –resistant to treatment that differ it from acute or subacute carditis.

Слайд 13Additional examining methods
ECG: Sinus brady- or tachycardia, conductivity abnormality, decreasing of

waves voltage, interval Q-T elongation,T wave inversion, deviation of axe
X-Ray: lung pattern amplification due to vein congestion. Heart size is increased. Shape of heart is round or trapeziform with smoothed waist especially for inborn carditis.
Echo CG: endocardium consolidation, left ventricular and atrium dilation, hypokinesia of ventricular septum, dislocation of mitral wave to posterior wall, decreasing of ejection fraction (less than 60% for infants and 55% for adolescents)
in 40 % of patients there are thrombi in apex of LV.

Слайд 14Severity of carditis is dependent of
1. Myocardium “injury” hypertrophy confirmed by

ECG and EchoCG
2. Cardiosclerosis, including endocardium thickening (Echo CG signs –contractile capacity decreasing, constant ECG changes like intraventricular and AV- blockages, extrasystols)
3. Pulmonary hypertension that indicative for severity and poor prognosis : crimson discoloration of face, acrocyanosis, II sound accentuation in lung artery, right ventricular hypertension
4. Insuficiency of AV-valves (comparative or organic)
5. Constrictive pericarditis
6. Thrombus-embolic syndrome( neurologic symptoms –convulsions, paresis, abdominal pains, urine tests changes, hypertension)

Слайд 15Acquired myocarditis

Prerequisite connection with acute viral infection.
Flaccidity, weakness, ( weak breast

sucking in infants), fast exhausting after usual loadings ( games, studying etc.)
On the ground of ARD symptoms resolution clinical signs of cardiac damage progress: greyish-pale skin, naso-labial cyanosis, acrocyanosis, dyspnea with wheesing and rales
Obsessive cough, reinforced after changing position
In patients with thymomegaly voice become low
In 20% attacks of cyanosis, excitability, loss of conscience, convulsions, vomiting can occur.
Fever recur 2-3 weeks later
Hepatomegaly appear as a sign of heart failure
Sometimes very intensive abdomen pains can be as an initial symptom and children turn to surgeon
Diuresis decreasing, edema.

Connection with
intercurrent infection

Слайд 16Auscultatation in myocarditis
Muffled I sound
Systolic murmur on apex

Слайд 17Diagnostic signs in carditis
Radiology: dilation of heart borders to left, cardio-thoracal

index is increasing (>0,55)
Echo-CG: left ventricular dilatation, decreased contractile myocardium capacity (<60-55%)
Decreased voltage during 2-3 week of disease, than it become high, especially QRS and then again decrease.
Sinus tachycardia or signs of different arrhythmias.
ST-segment and T wave changes ( repolarization process abnormality).
Lab data: elevated ESR and α, γ-globulins, CRP(+), neutrophyl leucocytosis.
Creatinephosphokinase (CPK) and lactatedehydrogenase (LDG) ensymes level is elevated
Right ventricular biopsy is a diagnostic standard (!)

Слайд 18Treatment
Strict bed regimen 8 weeks and more according to functional capacity

of CVS.
Diet № 10. Restriction of water intake, diet is enriched by potassium containing products: raisin, dried apricots, nuts, dried plums etc. Medication corrector of Mg and K drugs are asparcam, magnerot, panangin

Слайд 19Medication treatment
-antibiotics ( choice of it dependant

on causative factor)
- antiviral drugs

Слайд 20Medication treatment
Glucocorticoids -in severe course when shock, heart failure are present

anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID)-are contraindicated in acute phase of disease because they enhance cell damage ( diclophenac, naproxen, ibuprofen)

Слайд 21Antibiotic treatment courses (in the case of intercurrent infection, surgery, exacerbation

of chronic infection focuses)
Semisynthetic penicyllines: Augmentin, Amoxycilline 10-14 days long.
Roxytromycine – 7,5mg/ kg BID;
Azythromycine – 10 mg/kg once per day;
If suspicion of infective endocarditis under suspicion parenterally: Ampicilline 100-150 mg/kg, Amicacine 2 mg/kg, Vancomicine 10-15 mg/kg
Treatment duration is dependent on etiology: Streptococcal -4 weeks, Staphylococcus – 6 weeks, Gr”-” bacteria – 4 weeks
Glucocorticoids in severe course (shock, allergy), congestive heart disease, rhythm abnormalities: Prednisolon 0,8-1,5 mg/kg/day. In viral etiology in acute phase of AVD are contraindicated as they can enhance damage of cardiomyocytes.
Nonsteroid drugs in subacute and acute course of moderate severity
In chronic and subacute courses – aminochinoline drugs minimum for 6 mo long.
Antiviral therapy – IV immuneglobulins in high dosages..

Слайд 22Treatment of heart failure
Cardiotonic drugs: digoxin, strophantin, dobutamine.
Hipothiazid 1-2mg/kg/day, max –

4 mg/kg/day
Indopamide (arifon) 1,25-2,5 mg /day.
Metalazone 2,5-5 mg/day bid.
Furosemide 1-3 mg/kg/day.
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI):
Captopryl (capoten) 0,3-1,5 mg/kg/day
Lisinopryl 2,5-20 mg/day
Enalapryl (renitec, enap) 0,1-0,4 mg/kg/day

Слайд 23В-blockers:
Bisoprolol: nitial dosage – 0,625 mg/day constantly increased to 2,5 mg/day.

– 6,25 mg/day, can be increased to 25-50 mg/day bid.
Methaprolol– 5-10 mg/day bid.
Sotalol– 2 mg/kg/day to 6 mg/kg/day bid.
Propranolol 0,5-4 mg/kg/day per os tid 0,01-0,02 mg/kg slowly IV.
Ca-channels blockers:
Verapamil (isoptin) 1-4 mg/kg /day per os; and 0,1-0,15 mg/kg IV slowly.
Diltiazem 2-3 mg/kg/day tid.

Слайд 24Antiarrhythmic drugs:
Amiadaron (cordaron) 10-15 mg/kg/day per os; and 5 mg/kg IV

diluted in 5% glucose
Ritmilen (dizopyramid) 5-10mg/kg/day; adolescents 400 mg/day tid.
- dipiridamol, varfarin
Metabolic antiaggrigate activity medications
– actovegin, vitamax, vitamins (В12, В15), carnitin,

Слайд 25Cardiomyopathies (definition)
Cardiomyopathy (CMP) is heterogeneous group of disease with different etiology

( frequently inherited ones) clinically presented by mechanical or/and electrical myocardium dysfunction with disproportional hypertrophy or dilatation.

Myocardium affection can be primary or secondary and terminate by heart failure or sudden death

Слайд 26Cardiomyopathy
Primary CMP-are diseases with isolated or predominant affection of myocardium
Secondary CMP

– is myocardium affection in systemic or polyorganic disease

Слайд 27CMP classification
1. Ischemic CMP
2. Nonischemic CMP: primary, secondary
2.1 Primary CMP:
2.1.1 congenital

2.1.2. acquired
2.1.3. mixed
2.2 Secondary
2.2.1 infiltrative
2.2.2. toxic
2.2.3 storage
2.2.4 endomyocardial
2.2.5 inflammatory (granulamatous)
2.2.6 endocrine
2.2.7 heart affectionin neuro-muscular diseases
2.2.8 alimentary
2.2.9 connective tissue diseases

Слайд 28Hypertrophic CMP
Is inherited disease characterized by asymmetric left ventricular hypertrophy with

hemodynamic outflow obstruction and nonspecific clinical presentation: syncope, stenocardia, life threatening arrhythmia

Слайд 29Hypertrophic CMP
Obstructive with outflow pressure gradient >30 mm Hg
Nonobstructive outflow pressure

gradient < 30 mmHg
Latent outflow pressure gradient raises more than 30 mm Hg only after loading test

Слайд 30Clinical presentation
Disease onset can be at any age.
Disease can progress in

different directions
High risk rate of sudden death
Disease progression with dyspnoe, chest pains and syncope
Congestive heart disease with LV remodelling
Atrium flutter with thromboembolia

Слайд 31
Dyspnea, chest pain, dizziness, syncope usually are due to diastolic dysfunction.

Systolic heart function as a rule is normal
Chest pain like in stenocardia as a rule develops due to outflow obstruction and decreasing of coronary circulation. Syncope as a rule appear suddenly after emotional or physical strain due to decreased outflow. Later syncope can appear at rest
Disease can manifest by arrhythmias ( atrium, ventricular fluttering or fibrillation). Every arrhythmia episode can be fatal for patient

Слайд 32Pathogenesis
Ventricular septum hypertrophy so called disarray phenomenon of cell structure lead

to subsiding of myocardial tissue by connective tissue and decreased pump function of heart and form substrate for life threatening arrhythmias
Outflow obstruction develops due to disproportional ventricular septum hypertrophy predispose to leaflets contact with septum and produce increased gradient during systole.
Prolonged hypertrophy predispose for disorder of myocardium relaxation and development of ventricular walls rigidity. Diastolic dysfunction develops and later lead to systolyc heart dysfunction.

Слайд 33Physical findings
Appearance of patient is usual
Palpation: apex beat is wide and

dislocated to left. Ps is accelerated, dicrotic.
Auscultation- systolic murmur at apex and in 4 left intercostal space near sternum. Murmur is very variable. It can be louder during physical exertion, in vertical position, during tachycardia or after nitrate or diuretic intake

Слайд 34Instrumental data
Chest X-ray examinig
Cholter ECG monitoring
Echo CG
Chest scanning

Слайд 35ECG data
Left ventricular hypertrophy signs
Negative T-waves in chest leads
Atypical deep Q-wave

in II, III, aVF leads
Arrythmia and conductivity disorders ( atrium fibrillation, different blockages
Cholter monitoring is helpful to reveal threatening to life signs like unstable ventricular tachycardia, atrium fibrillation, signs of myocardium ischemia

Слайд 36Echo cardiography
Ultrasound diagnostics is a gold standard of HCMP confirmation
Hypertrophy of

ventricular septum and left ventricular wall. Hypertrophy can be symmetric and assymmetric (predominant septum hypertrophy).
Outflow obstruction with gradient more than 30 mmHg ( tests with physical strain)
Dilation of left atrium, mitral regurgitation and in terminal stages left ventricular dilation

Слайд 37Treatment
Body weight decreasing
Exclude physical exertion
Beta-adrenoblockers ( atenolol, carvedilol, nebivolol etc) They

decrease outflow obstruction at rest
Verapamil decrease dyastolic dysfunction, can be drug of choice in patients with bronchial asthma
Anticoagulants ( varfarin, heparin, dipiridamol etc)
Surgical treatment ( myoectomy by Morrow or alcohol septum ablation) is necessary in refractory medical treatment, progressive considerable hypertrophy, gradient more than 50 mm Hg
Nitrates, ACEI medications, digoxin, nifedepin are prohibited in obstructive cardiomyopathy

Слайд 38Dilative cardiomyopathy (DCMP)
DCMP is primary myocardium disorder due to different factors

( inheritance, chronic viral myocarditis, immune response disorders etc) and is characterised by heart chambers dilation with left and right ventricular systolic function disorder and later diastolic dysfunction

Слайд 39DCMP classification
Primary or idiopathic family CMP (genetic factors- autosome dominant type,

simple DCMP with locuses 1q32,2p31, 9q13, 10q21-q23; mitochondrial DCMP are more frequent, connected with X-chromosome)
Secondary CMP
Inflammatory (9%)
Ischemic (8%)
Due to hypertension
Due to amiloidosis
in AIDS patients
Chronic alcoholism

Слайд 40Clinical presentation
Onset of disease has only few symptoms of congestive heart

disease. Disease progression manifested by
Dyspnea, asthmatic attacks
Fatigability, muscle weakness
Ventricular arrhythmia accompanied by syncope
Atrium fibrillation, thromboembolia, systolic heart dysfunction
Right ventricular failure signs: edema of legs, hepatomegaly, ascitis

Слайд 41Physical examining signs
Appearance: acrocyanosis, extremities edema, orthopnoe position, neck veins swelling

congestive moist rales in lungs apex I sound is muffled, sometimes gallop rhythm or additional III sound, systolic murmur of relative mitral or tricuspid insufficiency, arrhythmia
Chest palpation: enhanced, wide dislocated to left and down apex beat
Percussion: heart borders are dislocated to left and right side

Слайд 42Instrumental data
Chest X-ray Heart dilation-cardithoracic index is more than 0,5, congestion

in lungs or alveolar edema
ECG –nonspecific changes of ST segment and T-wave, voltage decrease, QRS deformation, sinus tachycardia, rhythm and conductivity disorders
Echo- CG: dilation of chambers, systolic dysfunction decreasing of LV output less than 55%, relative mitral and tricuspid regurgitation
Endomyocardial biopsy in suspicion of inflammatory CMP to evaluate myocardiocytes distruction and inflammatory cells infiltration

Слайд 43Treatment
first signs of congestive heart disease to specify its

in cases of life threatening arrhythmias;
progressive congestive heart disease:
in acute conditions like heart asthma, lung edema;
complications like pneumonia, systemic embolia, arrhythmia, syncope

Слайд 44Treatment
Diet restriction of salt, water, coffee intake
ACEI (enalapril, lisinopril, perindopril etc.)

( they increase LV output, improve physical loading tolerance, improve surviving of patients)
Beta-adrenoblockers (atenolol, propranolol, carvedilol, betacsolol etc)- they improve hemodynamics, protect cardiomyocytes, decrease tachycardia, prevent arrhythmias
Treatment of different arrhythmia forms (amiadoron, sotalol, antiarrhythmic medications class IA, cardioversion)
Surgical treatment heart transplantation

Слайд 45 Questions
Prevention of non rheumatic carditis
Frequency and prognosis
Common clinical symptoms of myocarditis

of main clinical variants
Additional (instrumental) methods of invastigations
Medical check-up
Prevention of complications of NC.
Classification of heart failure
Principles of treatment of heart failure

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