Introduction in topographic anatomy and operative surgery презентация

Слайд 1Introduction in topographic anatomy and operative surgery
Associate-professor Slabyy O.B.

Слайд 2 Topographical anatomy is a science about the dimensional structure of

healthy human body organs, tissues and parts of the body

Слайд 3 The operative surgery is a science about surgical operations, methods

of surgical operations, the essence of which comes to mechanical action upon the organs and tissues with diagnostic, medical or reconstructive purpose.

Слайд 4M.I. Pyrogov ( 1810-1881)

Слайд 5Classification of operations



Single stage
Stage operations

Слайд 6

Operative approach means to make the wound for the

exposure of the organ to be operated on

Слайд 7 Operative method – the main part of the operation,

performing the action contained in the name of the operation

Слайд 8General surgical instruments

Слайд 9Positions of scalpels, forceps
а —scalpels; 1 — position of bow; 2

— position of table knife; 3 —writing pen; 4 — amputating knife; б — forceps

Слайд 10The scissors

Слайд 11The surgical saw

Слайд 12Forceps

Слайд 13Retractors

Слайд 14Instruments for the arrest bleeding

Слайд 15Needles

Слайд 16Suture material
Plain catgut
Chromic catgut
Polyglycolic synthetics

- Natural (silk, cotton)
Synthetic braids (Ticron, Tevdek,

Synthetic monofilament ( nylon, Prolen)
Monofilament stainless
- Steel wire

Слайд 17Type of sutures

Слайд 18Regions of the Head and Neck

Слайд 20Layer Structure of Fronto-parieto-occipital Region
subcutaneous tissues;
gala aponeurotica;
loose areolar tissue;
periosteum (pericranium);
loose areolar

bone (internal, external lamina and diploe).

Слайд 22Arterial and nerve supply of the Scalp
The supratrochlear and the supraorbital

arteries in company with supratrochlear and the supraorbital nerves.
The superficial temporal artery,zygomaticotemporal and auriculotemporal nerve.
The posterior auricular artery and lesser occipital nerve (cervical plexus C2)
The occiptal artery and greater occipital nerve (posterior ramus of the second cervical nerve).

Слайд 24The venous drainage of the Scalp
The supratrochlear and supraorbital veins (to

from the facial vein).
The superficial temporal vein (to from the retromandibular vein).
The postrior auricular vein (to from the external jugular vein).
The occipital vein (into the suboccipital venous plexus, in turn into the vertebral veins, occasionally forward into the internal jugular vein.
The veins of the Scalp freely anastomose with another and are connected to the diploic veins and the intracranial venous sinuses by the valveless emissary veins.

Слайд 26Temporal region and parotid regions

Слайд 27Layer Structure of Temporal Region
subcutaneous tissues;
temporal aponeurosis:
- external

- loose areolar tissue;
- internal lamina;
4. subaponeurotical fat;
5. temporal muscle;
6. submuscular loose areolar tissue;
7. pericranium;
8. temporal bone.

Слайд 28The four arteries anastomose on the inferior surface of the brain

and form the circulus arteriosus

Слайд 29Internal base the skull,dura mater,venous sinuses and cranial nerves

Слайд 31Decompression trepanation

Слайд 34Potential places of intracranial hematoma

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