Human health презентация

Слайд 1

Слайд 2To have a splitting/terrible headache

Слайд 3To have a runny/streaming/blocked nose

Слайд 4To have a hacking/dry/tickly cough

Слайд 5To feel dizzy

Слайд 6To have a bruise

Слайд 7To have a bump

Слайд 8To have a high/slight temperature

Слайд 9To have a nagging/excruciating/harsh backache

Слайд 10To lose consciousness/to faint

Слайд 11To break/to fracture the arm

Слайд 12To have a swollen ankle

Слайд 13To cut the finger

Слайд 14To get a stiff neck

Слайд 15To catch a cold/a virus/the flu

Слайд 16To have a rash

Слайд 17To have a heart attack

Слайд 18Match the words to make compound nouns

Слайд 19
Heart attack
Health center
Waiting room
Food poisoning
First aid

Слайд 20Complete the sentences with compound nouns
When I am ill I go

to the ______ near my house.
Please, take a seat in the ______. The doctor will see you in ten minutes.
Salmonella is a type of _______.
My neighbour has died of a _________. He never did any exercise and he had a very bad diet.
I want to learn _______ so that I know what to do if there is an emergency.
- My back really hurts?
- Why don’t you take a _______?

Слайд 21Visiting a doctor

Слайд 22Health care professionals
Speech therapist – psychiatrist – physiotherapist-
Plastic surgeon – midwife

– GP (general practitioner)
He/She should go to the ………..
Mrs Crawford has got problems with hips.
Luke doesn’t like the shape of his nose.
Tony thinks he’s got the flu.
Louise is going to have a baby.
Little Sammy can’t pronounce “s” very well.
Virginia suffers from depression.

Слайд 23Words from the dialogue

Слайд 24Visiting a doctor

Слайд 25Homework
Vocabulary Revision
В группе VK сделать два упражнения

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