Gastric Cancer Erbolatkyzy Akbota презентация

Plan: 1 Gastric Cancer 2 Epidemiology 3Risk Factors 4Treatment

Слайд 1Gastric Cancer Erbolatkyzy Akbota

Слайд 2Plan: 1 Gastric Cancer 2 Epidemiology 3Risk Factors 4Treatment

Слайд 3Epidemiology
Gastric cancer was the fourth most common cancer in the world

in 2004, and is expected to remain fourth in 2005.
World wide there are 930,000 new cases and 700,000 deaths per year. Sixty percent of new cases occur in developing countries.
There is tremendous geographic variation, with the highest death rates in Chile, the former Soviet Union, China, and Japan.

Слайд 4Risk Factors

Predisposing :

1. Pernicious anemia
& atrophic gastritis

2. Previous gastric
3. Chronic peptic ulcer
(give rise to 1%)
4. Smoking.
5. Alcohol.


1.H.pylori infection
have 6-9 folds risk
3. Nationality
4. Diet (prevention)


1.Blood group A
Heriditory non-polyposis colon cancer.

Слайд 5Endoscopy

Слайд 6Decreasing Incidence
Improved nutrition and refrigeration of foods
Lower incidences of H. pylori

due to increased antibiotic use and cleaner water/sanitation leading to decreased transmission of disease
Earlier detection and treatment in certain countries

Слайд 8Treatment
Surgical resection remains the mainstay of treatment and is the only

curative option.
More recently pre- and post-chemoradiation therapy has been scrutinized to see if there is any benefit to survival.
The issue of extent of resection appears to have been settled. As long as adequate tumor margins are achieved, subtotal gastrectomy has the same survival as total, with decreased morbidity.

It allows taking biopsies
Safe (in experienced hands)

Слайд 10Outcomes
Recurrence rates remain high, from 40 to 80% depending on the

series being quoted.
Locoregional failure rate 38 to 45%, with most recurrence in the gastric remnant at the anastamosis, gastric bed, and lymph nodes.
Surveillance is important. Patients should be followed every 4 months for the first year, then 6 months for 2 more years. Yearly endoscopy should be performed for subtotal gastrectomies.

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