Asthma. Case study scenario 2 презентация

Слайд 1Gary is a teenage Aboriginal boy from Condobilin, NSW. He lives

at home with his Mother (a long-time smoker), Uncle, Father, and 3 siblings.
They have recently talked about moving because there is a mould problem, but on the family's limited income, they are not sure they could afford to move.
Gary is on the school Rugby League team. He loves the game, but suffers from Asthma sometimes. On Saturday, Gary passes out during the big game as a result of an asthma attack. They call a time-out, and Gary's PE Teacher brings Gary to see the paramedic on standby at the game.

Scenario 2: Asthma

Слайд 2Journal article
Jenkins, C. R., Chang, A. B., Poulos, L. M., &

Marks, G. B. (2009). Asthma in Indigenous Australians: So much yet to do for Indigenous lung health. Medical Journal of Australia, 190(10), 530-531.
Media Link (on vUWS)
Swan, N. (2008). Indigenous women and smoking during pregnancy. On Health Report. Sydney: Radio National ABC.

Scenario 2: Asthma

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