Uralplastic film with Appeel® презентация

Слайд 1Uralplastic film with Appeel®
Results of Analysis
Mariane Zebri
Cedric Thomi

Слайд 2Background
Following the visit at Uralplastic the 18th of February, I came

back with 3 samples:
1/. Peel to PS: they used for this 3 Appeel® grade 11D554, 20D855 and 20D751, they didn’t have a good peel at 170-180°C and the peeling is not stable. Generally the structure is: 20% / 50% / 30% (Appeel®:10microns)
2/. Second point of discussion the Appeel®72D811, they are looking for something for PET/Pe and PVC/PE trays, they have produced a film of Appeel®72D811 with 3% of Conpol 20S2 and 2% of Conpol 20B. We will performe some analysis on this one.
3/. Others topics: Appeel®93D894 and also tie layer in presence of AF recommandation Bynel®4109, proposition of used of Surlyn 1605 to avoid leackers on the corner of trays.

Слайд 3Objectives:
1/ For the 2 structures with Appeel®20D855 and Appeeel®11D554, measure

the adhesion strenght on PS between 160 to 210°C.
2/ For the structure with Appeeel®72D811, the analysis will be the control of the thickness of each layer and also the measure of peeling on PE between 120 and 180°C.

Слайд 41/ Adhesion strength
With the Appeel® 20D855 after 160°C , the film

Break so the adhesion strength is higher than the film strength itself.

2/ Adhesion strength of Appeel®72D811

Слайд 52/ thickness measure of the film with Appeel®72D811

Слайд 62/ IR identification of the film with Appeel®72D811
PE in one side

the other side

Слайд 7Summary
For the Appeel® 11D554 and 20D855, we observe that the adhesion

is very high for the 20D855.
And for the third film with Appeel®72D811, we confirm the structure and thisckness, and also the adhesion on PE was perfomed.

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