Twitter Over Time: Approaches to the dynamics of change in social media презентация

16 July 2006

Слайд 1Twitter Over Time: Approaches to the dynamics of change in social


Jean Burgess
Queensland University of Technology

Nancy Baym
Microsoft Research

Christina VanMeter

Слайд 216 July 2006

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Слайд 7Available scholarship
Murthy, D. (2013). Twitter: Social communication in the Twitter age. Cambridge:

Polity Press.
Rogers, R. (2014). Debanalizing Twitter: The Transformation of an Object of Study. In Weller, K. et al (Eds.) Twitter and Society (pp. ix-xxvi). New York: Peter Lang.
van Dijck, J. (2013). Culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media (Kindle Edition). New York: Oxford University Press.
Halavais, A. (2014). Structure of Twitter: Social and Technical. In Weller, K. et al (Eds.) Twitter and Society (pp. 29-41) New York: Peter Lang.
Kooti, F., Yang, H., Cha, M., Gummadi, K., & Mason, W. (2012). The emergence of conventions in online social networks. In International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media.

Слайд 8The Twitter Over Time study
Materials collected
Media coverage
Vlog accounts on YouTube

Personal Archives
Plus material related to Twitter platform changes

Слайд 15@reply

Слайд 16@reply
From launch @ location/activity (Dodgeball convention)
Late 2006 @ user and @user

‘consciously’ adopted by lead users
Widespread adoption
Early 2007 official support (by hyperlinking)
Retention and controversy
May 2007    Replies page introduced to collect replies and mentions
@replying always controversial (‘Twitter isn’t a chat room’)
2008-2009: visibility of @replies to non-followers

Слайд 17“I only see them if I know the people and I

think it’s kind of interesting looking at other people’s conversations, I guess.”


Слайд 18@reply
“2008 I did my first @ mention and it was in

a reply. And for the most part almost all of my @ mentions are almost always replies to somebody else. I never start a conversation with @”

Слайд 19RT
Competing alternatives - via, HT, RT, Retweet, Retweeting
Early 2009 (?) –

RT adopted as ‘official’ citation
Retention and controversy
2009 ‘Button’ retweets

Слайд 23RT
“even people that I didn’t meet at the conference, I would

just throw them in on that list if it seemed like-- if they were getting retweeted a bunch by people in my feed, saying things that I thought were cool, I’d just add them into that. So, that became my reading list. It just slowly was like accumulating more and more people. And some people on it kind of became people that were just taking up a lot of space and not saying a lot of useful stuff.”

Слайд 24RT
“I was tweeting about how I didn't want that to be

the new thing. I didn't like that on my feed there was people I didn't know, like the pictures popping up, like "Who is that? Why are they in my feed?" And then I was thinking-- I don't know. I just really was against it, and then I slowly, slowly started-- it was just so easy, just don't have enough time to rewrite everything and copy-paste it. So I think here is where I actually started doing it, and recently sometimes a lot of my activity is just rote retweets. So I think by May it looks like I was comfortable using it.”

Слайд 25RT
‘’It is kind of like an etiquette thing, and, yeah, I

sometimes wonder when I tweet and it'll be either a retweet and I'll add something ahead of it or I'll modify it so I can say something-- sometimes I really have something to say, and other times it's just like "Ha. This is funny," and I'm like "Is that okay? I don't know if that's okay. Am I cheating? Am I stealing your social whatever?"

Слайд 26#hashtag
mid-2007 – Chris Messina proposes ‘channel tags’ using the pound symbol

Groups/vs ‘eavesdropping’
Oct 2007 - Messina campaigns for #sandiegofire hashtag, Wired picks up the story
Third-party tools for ‘defining’, tracking
2008 platform, client support
Retention and controversy
Hashtags now part of the grammar of the web
2013 backlash from web dev community
2014 rumours that Twitter will phase out @reply and #hashtag

Слайд 27#hashtag
“I went to go be co-present with [the protesters], and then

I came back and I stayed not physically co-present but very engaged on the hashtag.”

Слайд 28#hashtag
“They have a hashtag, they have a conference, and [they] share

their content a lot on Twitter, and they meet once a year at this conference that I went to. So when I went to this conference, I used Twitter strategically to cement connections with people that I'd met. Because the one thing I tended to lack on Twitter is friends, and I thought if I meet people, in addition to being-- I could stay up to date with what they're doing professionally and things like that. Also it would be sort of like trading business cards.”

Слайд 29#hashtag
“live-tweeting can be a really great access tool for people who

can’t travel to every conference that they would want to go to. But I also think there’s some etiquette that can probably use some agreeing. Like, if we could all agree on sort of the rules of live-tweeting, I think that would probably help.”

Слайд 30A conclusion, brief yet inspiring, placed at the end
Web history is

Need to document platforms as they are and as they change
Platforms ever-shifting contested terrains
Usefulness of combining multiple kinds of sources
Need to connect materiality of platform with user experiences and perspectives

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