Tips for Twitter IMPROVERS презентация

Above all, remember it’s not about broadcasting, it’s about conversation!

Слайд 1
Tips for Twitter IMPROVERS
Becoming a Networked Researcher
Ned Potter
Academic Liaison

Слайд 2Above all, remember it’s not about broadcasting, it’s about conversation!

Слайд 3Above all, remember it’s not about broadcasting, it’s about conversation!

is Web 2.0.

It’s interactive, participatory, and about positioning yourself as part of a dialogue.

If you remember this rule, all the other rules in this guide can be broken.

Слайд 4(This guide is aimed at people in the
academic environment who

already use Twitter. If you’re brand new to the
platform, read this introduction first.)

Слайд 5Content
Part 1

Слайд 6Don’t just make statements, ask questions.

Слайд 7Content
Tweet multimedia
Pictures, videos, slideshows all appear within Twitter itself

Слайд 8Consider the 1 in 4 rule*

*actually it’s more of a



Слайд 9Consider the 1 in 4 rule*

1 in 4 Tweets

directly about
you / your work

*actually it’s more of a guideline…

A ReTweet?

A link to something useful?

A reply?


Слайд 10Embrace the smartphone! (Soon there will only BE smartphones so you

may as well get started now.)


Слайд 11Embrace the smartphone! (Soon there will only BE smartphones so you

may as well get started now.)

Imagine the people reading your Tweets are not just in your building, but on the train, in the supermarket queue, at conferences or events.

Twitter doesn’t have to be something people MAKE TIME for.


Слайд 12Tone
Part 2

Слайд 13Try not to think of it as purely personal or purely

professional – it works better when it’s both.

(Personally I think it works well when you major in professional and minor in personal…)


Слайд 14Spell things correctly, don’t use text-speak, ensure proper grammar and syntax

– but the tone is friendly and approachable.


Слайд 15Ultimately the tone on Twitter is roughly akin to how you

would address your peers face-to-face (as opposed to in print).

Are you friendly, irreverent, sarcastic, enthusiastic, irascible? That’s probably how you should be on Twitter, too.


Слайд 16Ultimately the tone on Twitter is roughly akin to how you

would address your peers face-to-face (as opposed to in print).

Are you friendly, irreverent, sarcastic, enthusiastic, irascible? That’s probably how you should be on Twitter, too.

(Just don’t be unpleasant, as the written word can have a bigger and longer-lasting impact than what is spoken.)


Слайд 17Your Account
Part 3

Слайд 18Your profile is hugely important – it can both win and

lose you opportunities.

Use your bio to give people a reason to engage with you. Use the URL space to link your blog. And whatever you do, don’t leave the picture as the default ‘Twitter egg’ – people associate this with spam accounts and switch off instantly.

Your Account

Слайд 19Bio, blog link

Following back
Don’t be spammy
Check hashtags
Your Account
You don’t HAVE

to follow back.

Although reciprocity is an important part of building a social network, don’t feel like you have to follow everyone who follows you. Above all Twitter has to be manageable and work FOR you.

Слайд 20Your Account
And if you DO have to follow back for political

The mute button is your friend.

Слайд 21When creating hashtags for events, projects, conferences and discussions…
…remember to check

they’re not already in use before you make them public!

Your Account

Слайд 22To lock or not to
lock your account?


Complete control over who

sees your tweets
Free reign to be critical or otherwise controversial
Protection from the undesirable side of the internet
Numbers of followers are not an end in themselves – a larger network doesn’t always equate to a more valuable one

Слайд 23To lock or not to
lock your account?


Will reduce the size

of your network so you may miss out on interacting with useful or interesting people
Prevents you from being ReTweeted, meaning you cannot reach additional audiences
Your tweets cannot be seen by people who don’t follow you, even if addressed directly at them with an @ reply

Слайд 24Logistics
Part 4

Слайд 25Logistics
How often should
you tweet?
Targets can often backfire – tweet when

you have something to say, and don’t when you don’t.

Слайд 26That said, the more people tweet, the bigger their network.*
Often the

bigger their network, the more they get out of Twitter.


*Usually. But there’s no guarantee here!

Слайд 27Set up saved searches
After any useful search, save it so it’s

easily accessible next time you click the search box.


Слайд 28Set up saved searches
As well as searches for relevant topics, set

up a search on pertinent URLs (for example your project page or blog) so you can see whenever anyone tweets about your work.


Слайд 29Lists allow you to usefully ‘curate’
the people you follow

example, make lists of people who tweet about
Your discipline
Research in your area
Impact factors
Technology in HE
Higher Education in general
Local news
Global news
University news
Whatever is relevant to you


Слайд 30Analyse your Tweets
There are a million and one Twitter stats packages

online – choose the ones which give you information you can ACT on.

E.G. use to check how often you’re replying and RTing, and WHEN you’re Tweeting…


Слайд 31Analyse your Tweets
Then use to find out when your followers

are actually online:


Слайд 32Consider a social media dashboard

Twitter doesn’t have to be run from – something like Hootsuite may be useful as it allows you to view your timeline, mentions, direct messages, lists, searches etc, in real time, from one screen, and you can also manage other social media accounts here


Слайд 33And finally… You need to actually tell people you’re there.

@username on

your business cards

on your PowerPoint presentations

on your name-badge at conferences

in your email signature

Слайд 34

Thanks for reading!

More on ‘Becoming a Networked Researcher’ can be

found at

Follow the Library on Twitter:

Picture credits are on the next two slides.

Слайд 35

Photos via Flickr Creative Commons (1)
Twitter birds on a wire by

MKH Marketing, at:

Birds in the sky by ,T.R.G, at:

Twitter bird in a cage by MKH Marketing, edited by us, original at:

Graduation, by j.o.h.n walker, at:

Smily fruit by *Light Painting*, at:

Seminar room by Jonas_k, at:

Слайд 36

Photos via Flickr Creative Commons (2)
Egg by JeffPoskanzer, at:


roof by The Year of Mud, at:

Homemade hashtag by Alexander Hugo TarTari, at:

Blue padlock by Aff, at:

Question-mark cufflinks by Oberazzi, at:

Smartphone by Xrajis_, at:

All Twitter icons, and the iPad icon, via

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Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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